Published Jun 9, 2015
23 Posts
Any nurses here into CrossFit? I start nursing school in August and am worried about the beating my hands take. How do you protect your hand from ripping? Do you modify to avoid a lot of bar work? Thanks!
354 Posts
Not a crossFiter but could you wear lifting gloves?
edmia, BSN, RN
827 Posts
A weightlifter once suggested the following: as soon as you can after a WOD, wash hands, use a pumice stone on the palms, dry, and lotion up.
I've prevented ripping skin since I started doing this.
Gloves don't really work for me, but worth a try too.
Sent from my iPhone -- blame all errors on spellcheck
I tried gloves. It slowed me down. I never felt like I had a good grip. I'm going to try the pumicing. That sounds pretty good.
windsurfer8, BSN, RN
1,368 Posts
Just worry about nursing school. The rest will fall into place. One thing I did BJJ for years and you really can't come into work with black eyes etc. I actually had a talking to by a boss about it. CF you should not have a problem. If you do then you need to do something about it. Just get through Nursing school.
12,646 Posts
You guys had to google camming and sybian?
I had to google Cross Fit.
What does one have to do with the other? Exercise and Nursing School are not mutually exclusive.
Wile E Coyote, ASN, RN
471 Posts
Agreed, except in circumstances such as the one outlined above. If the bruising from jujitsu (appearance) or wrecked hands from cross fit (infection risk and appearance both) affect school or work beyond a certain point, then it becomes an either/or decision. Presuming initial attempts to modify their exercise to avoid the offending element fail, of course.