Published Dec 5, 2008
4 Posts
I plan on getting my ADN this May and hopefully my BSN within a year and a half. I would like to do something with computers though also, is there anything I can do with my upcoming nursing degree and computers in the hospital and make a nice pay check that I can use to help start a family?
17 Articles; 45,839 Posts
Hello, ohioscouser and Welcome to
Good to have you with us.
I moved your thread to the Nursing Informatics forum for a better response. Others will come along with advice.
Good luck with your nursing career and we hope you enjoy allnurses!!
Thank you very much!
rninformatics, DNP, RN
1,280 Posts
Welcome Ohioscouser,
I'd suggest you investigate Nursing Informatics. Please read other posts on this forum to begin to learn about this nursing specialty.
You may also be interested in this link:
400 Posts
I've been involved with the implementation and support of Epic based CPOE and EMAR, and Op Time for the Cleveland Clinic. Most of the openings I've encountered the client is requesting that the applicants be RNs, with build experience. Some facilities will also send you for certification in Madison, WI, which is the ONLY place you can go for certification in Epic based programs. Some people are credentialed, which means they studied the teaching manual and used all the correct verbage while an Epic certified person sat in on the delivery.
The best way to get build experience is through a hospital's NI team. One cannot just go to Madison and self-pay for certification. The classes alone are $400/day-just for the classes. There are tests, projects, lodging-in all it costs about $20,000.00 for certification. And it is not easy to find a facility to cover it these days.