Uninsured Adults are 25% more likely to die Prematurely

Nurses Activism


a real life story from the nation: this person was not irresponsible, didn't skimp on benefits to buy a car or party and what happened? we are destroying our human capital as a society by not meeting the responsibility we have to each other for providing access to decent affordable universal health care.


i knew that my health insurance would run out shortly after i finished college, but i couldn't find any affordable options that provided more than catastrophic care. if the best i can get will only help in an emergency, i thought, what's the point of having any? faced with what was essentially a choice between insurance and food, i opted for food and hoped for the best. it was just bad luck that i got sick in january 2004, less than three weeks after my parent's insurance stopped covering me.

i waited for over a month to visit a doctor for tests, and i only went then because i was starting to feel too sick to work. it took two more months, multiple appointments, one visit to an emergency clinic, and four rounds of antibiotics to treat the infection that i had, although none of the physicians i saw ever gave me a specific diagnosis. on at least one occasion the doctor listened to my list of symptoms and wrote a prescription without doing any tests because she said they didn't want me to incur any unnecessary expenses.

in the end i spent nearly $3,500 on care and prescriptions between january and april, and another $1,500 in november and december when i got sick again. after struggling to avoid excessive student loans in college, i found myself with another school year's worth of debt. in many ways i'm lucky. i didn't need hospitalization, i don't have a chronic condition like diabetes, and my parents helped me with some of my bills. it is a testament to how broken the american health care system that i feel fortunate to not be financial ruined after my experience.

this substandard care takes a heavy toll: uninsured adults are 25 percent more likely to die prematurely than those with private health insurance. with the numbers of uninsured americans increasing, young people face the prospect of being sicker and less economically productive throughout their lives. immense economic benefits can be gained by making sure all americans have healthcare, somewhere between $65 and $130 billion dollars, even more significant when you take into account that the government spends approximately $30 billion annually to compensate healthcare providers for assisting the uninsured.

Thanks for those links Spacenurse.

Specializes in L&D, PACU.

Thank you spacenurse! Those were great links.

Alternative methods of providing health insurance are clearly and logically laid out.

It is nice to find a well written explanation of the difference between a single payer health system and "socialized medicine"

Tort reform would be a great start and it has happened but not enough.

I only want major medical/catastrophic medical coverage.

One of the reasons dr. office visits and xrays and prescriptions got so high is we as Americans became dependant on insurance to pay every little medical cost and the insurance companies initially paid for everything and so docs and labs and pharmacies jacked up the prices.

If we just had major medical insurance, the costs might just come down on the regular medical costs that we should be paying out of pocket.

But that horse is out of the barn . . . :rolleyes:

I read the article - where did the stat come from that 25% of uninsured adults are more likely to die prematurely? Is it the 18-25 age group? That group, even with insurance is more likely to die prematurely than other age groups. (young guys and gals with cars = car accidents).

I'd be interested in reading where that stat came from . . . as we all know, stats can be manipulated. Even in the article it said something about these adults were uninsured at some point during the year - meaning they were insured some time during the year.


Summary: http://clinicalfreedom.org/Care03.htm

Institute of Medicine - http://www.nap.edu/catalog/10367.html?onpi_newsdoc052102#reviews

Full report free on line - http://www.nap.edu/books/0309083435/html/

Expanding coverage to adults under age 65 could save thousands of lives ; Harvard : http://www.hcp.med.harvard.edu/news/stories/04julyA.php

The risk of death among uninsured people ages 50 to 64 is 43% higher than it is for people in that age group who have insurance, according to a study in Health Affairs.: http://www.consumeraffairs.com/news04/uninsured.html

I think one answer is to look at the root causes for the escalating cost of healthcare. Tort reform would be a good start. Eliminating outrageous judgements and frivolous lawsuits would help decrease diagnostic tests ordered just to rule out everything under the sun for a straight forward illness.

So, uh, you missed this then?


Paul Krugman just wrote an article about the efficiency of the VA as compared to private medicare HMO's. The VA is better run and less expensive. Some things government can do better simply because it can. (Social Security for example has much lower expense ratios than 401(k)'s.) The VA, Tricare and the Federal Employees plan are all much better at cost control than private sector insurance companies. Part of the problem is that we have instituted a profit motive into health care with the assumption that will drive efficiency and this idea just does not work. Alternet.org just had an excellent analysis of the Canadian system. Frankly, single payer works better in keeping people healthy and at lower cost. It is not a perfect system but it works one heck of a lot better in assuring that everyone has access to affordable health services.

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