Obama's health plan takes shape

Nurses Activism


Barack Obama's health plan takes shape


If Congress were to take a vote on a health reform bill today, Democrats and Republicans would find a surprising level of agreement-so much so that the broad outlines of a consensus plan already are taking shape.

Sick or healthy, rich or poor, all Americans would be guaranteed access to health insurance.

In fact, they'd probably be required to purchase it-perhaps through mandates in the law that would include stiff tax penalties for anyone who tried to opt out.

Newly created insurance marketplaces would make finding a plan as easy as shopping for cheap airfare. People could keep their coverage, even if they switched jobs. And they might be able to choose between private insurers and a government-backed plan.

But here's the catch-none of this would come free, with the wealthiest Americans likely to face higher taxes to help pay for coverage for all.

It's hard to believe that only three months ago, health care advocates worried that President Barack Obama would drop the health reform issue from his first-year agenda. Now, with an August deadline to pass a bill, a compromise that once seemed unimaginable is considered quite possible, both sides say.

Obama's poll numbers are sinking faster than the titanic, democrats are getting pounded by citizens in their own districts when trying to talk about the health care reform scheme. The smoke and mirrors are starting to wear thin. Reminds me of 1994 when Hillary care cost the democrats the House and Senate.

Dems are not getting pounded by "citizens" -- they're getting pounded by astroturf (phony grassroots) groups organized, funded, and directed by agents of the GOP and the for-profit healthcare lobby. Talk about "smoke and mirrors" ... :rolleyes:




But honestly Obama's approval rating is going down as is America's confidence that the gov't will be able to provide "the answer" without strings attached.

You mean the Republicans that are so disorganized (according to the left wing media pundits) and they have no clear leader but are able to orchestrate a typical democratic tactic like getting union people to protest? Not buying it. Need to quit drinking that DNC koolaid.

Dems are not getting pounded by "citizens" -- they're getting pounded by astroturf (phony grassroots) groups organized, funded, and directed by agents of the GOP and the for-profit healthcare lobby. Talk about "smoke and mirrors" ... :rolleyes:




Yep, it's all part of the vast right wing conspiracy. Hey Koolaid

I wonder who is behind that -perhaps the health insurance company lobbyists that are spending $1.4 million dollars a day against the "scheme"? Hmmmm

re: "Dems are not getting pounded by "citizens" -- they're getting pounded by astroturf (phony grassroots) groups organized, funded, and directed by agents of the GOP and the for-profit lobby. Talk about "smoke and mirrors" " --

Wake up!! American citizens ARE rising up against the proposed Health Care reform because of its CONTENT.

They have read HR 3200 for themselves. (Whew!! not an easy read! But that's one of the great things about the Internet.) Congress & the President are not being straight when they've said they 'do not want to institute a Single-Payer system".

Time to scrap the present proposals and START OVER if there's a sincere desire to deal with the financial problems in health care.

Specializes in He who hesitates is probably right....
Dems are not getting pounded by "citizens" -- they're getting pounded by astroturf (phony grassroots) groups organized, funded, and directed by agents of the GOP and the for-profit healthcare lobby. Talk about "smoke and mirrors" ... :rolleyes:




Ironic that the Socialists are whining about a page out of their own playbook. The payoff will come at mid-term election time. Want to talk about astroturfing? Pay attention to the SEIU (rent-a-mob). I belong to the SEIU, as do all of my co-workers. The SEIU is quick to show up to protest anything against their political agenda. Funny thing is, all of the protesters are wearing t-shirts denoting our union local (SEIU 1199P), but nobody recognizes ANY of them. Hmmmm...

Specializes in Critical care, tele, Medical-Surgical.

Loud and rude is not discussion or debate.

I attended a Town Hall meeting last night. Nothing loud or unruly about it -- but LOTS of American citizens voicing concern about the way the federal government is going beyond their Constitutional authority.

It was standing room only for 2 hours. Plain folks -- lots of Great Generation and Baby Boomers -- not so many 30 or younger. A variety of politicals (R, D, & I) & apoliticals (like me). Some RN's & MD's, too. They asked relevant questions, made well-thought comments, some with passion. One of the most memorable was a (legal) Russian immigrant who said he left Russia, and then Germany, to come to America because it's a free nation. He said he loves this country & would die for it, and said, "Americans, do not lose your freedom!" He got a standing ovation.

Like it or not, the Health Care reform legislation is the 'straw that broke the camel's back' -- lots of people who have been silent about the parallel-govt czars, printing $$ at an inflationary rate, funding AB's w/ tax $$, spending $$ irresponsibly, on-and-on, are 'outing'. The proposed HR 3200 is the final overreach. They've read it, they don't like it.

Folks agree to a need for reform (tort reform, Medicare/-aid waste & fraud elimination, insurance portability changes, etc) --- but NO government 'public' option, NO MORE intrusion of government in personal lives.

Specializes in Critical-care RN.

Would you mind telling me who's town hall meeting you were at........... God Bless America, Pass the Bullets :thankya::thankya::thankya:

This meeting was in Dickson TN. The District's Rep (John Tanner) had a 'schedule conflict' -- so it was videotaped & will be presented to him to view when it's more convenient for him. There were a couple of TN State legislators present. [For SENATOR Boxer's info -- I was tastefully dressed in a hawaiian shirt & khaki slacks.]

Specializes in burn, geriatric, rehab, wound care, ER.

WORKINGWOMANINTN -a question for you

the content of your postings and the fact that you are a recent member prompt me to (respectfully) ask the question -are you a healthcare insurance lobbyist? a nurse? Please clarify. Thanks

Why does it matter? She is a taxpayer that's all that should matter.

WORKINGWOMANINTN -a question for you

the content of your postings and the fact that you are a recent member prompt me to (respectfully) ask the question -are you a healthcare insurance lobbyist? a nurse? Please clarify. Thanks

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