Nurses and students in Arkansas


Hello everyone! I just saw the thread on the Oklahoma forum that asked where you are and what you do. Thought it might be nice to have one hear. There have to be at least a few of us on here. I am a Nursing student going into the 2nd semester in the River Valley area and I attend UAFS. Hope to hear from ya'll.:)


I am a nursing student going into my Sr. year in Aug. at UALR. I am currently working as a SNT at the VA hospital.

This forum is usually pretty dead, but every now and then someone wakes it up with a question.

I just moved to Little Rock in Feb 05 I start at UALR as a junior starting my pre-reqs for nursing. I'm really geeked about it and can't wait to start. :p

I am a nursing student going into my Sr. year in Aug. at UALR. I am currently working as a SNT at the VA hospital.

What is a SNT?


At the VA its a Student Nurse Technician.

It's nice to know that there are other Arkansans out there. Good luck to the two of you in your program. UAFS only offers an ADN degree first and THEN you can enter the BSN program. Weird huh. They say they will be offering a traditional BSN program in 2006. I would have loved to school in Little Rock, but we own our home here and it is where hubby has a job so here we will stay until I am done. Once again, its great to hear from ya'll:) .


Specializes in OR, ICU, ER & Management.
Hello everyone! I just saw the thread on the Oklahoma forum that asked where you are and what you do. Thought it might be nice to have one hear. There have to be at least a few of us on here. I am a Nursing student going into the 2nd semester in the River Valley area and I attend UAFS. Hope to hear from ya'll.:)


Hello everyone!

I work at UAMS in Little Rock, been there for 6 years now. Previously I worked in Houston for 10 years, before that I did the travel nurse thing.

Have a good one!

Hello all, We just moved to Arkansas last August. My Husband is a CRNA, and I am n RN. We are from Kansas, but really like it here so far. I live in Arkansas, but work in Memphis, love the hsopital and unit I work in. I am used to Trauma, and Bruns etc, and am working Out Patient Specials right now, so it is quite a change of pace, but canot beat 8-4:30 shifts! :)

Hey kimhaw, how do you like UALR? I am going in the fall to finish up my prereq's. I plan on applying to the nursing program in the spring. I was leaning towards Baptist at first but decided that UALR would be a better choice.

Hey kimhaw, how do you like UALR? I am going in the fall to finish up my prereq's. I plan on applying to the nursing program in the spring. I was leaning towards Baptist at first but decided that UALR would be a better choice


I really like UALR nursing program especially the way it is set up. I feel its better geared toward my type of learning plus the fact I have a family. I must warn you that the program is very tough and intense. They will frequently tell you that their program is somewhat accelerated b/c we don't go in the summers; thererfore they are depending on you to motivate yourself to learn alot of things fast. Okay I said that now I am also going to say this. Its not as hard as some people will try to convince you it is. I have three kids and a pt job. I came into the program with a 3.0 basically b/c while doing my prereqs at UCA I never studied so I got B's and C's which I was okay with b/c I knew I did not study at all just attended class and listened. When I came to UALR I tried to start studying every night for hours like some students and sometimes I would study for an hour but usually I would end up not getting it done. When I take my exams I get B's and C's which I am still happy with. (78 is the lowest C ) I very rarely miss class and I use NCLEX review books to help me with the subject. I don't participate in study groups b/c I don't have time even though if you go to UALR's program you will see alot of those form. I think we started out 120 and have around 75 left from those original. I have 2 sem. left and I defintely plan to be one of those who will grad. in May 2006. I am probably rambling too much here but if you have anymore questions just let me know.

HI I am new to this forum and am a LPN student here in arkansas. I looke foward to getting feedback on what different people do around the state. I am undecided about where I want to work but need to get on the bal (I graduate in december) Any advice is welcomed :)

Hi I'm getting ready to move to Bela-Vista AR and i was wondering where i need to go to transfer my kansas cna and hha .



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