I am in nursing school and writing a paper on ethical dilemma's in childbearing nursing. We are allowed to choose any topic as long as we can define the ethical dilemma and how it relates to BENEFICENCE, NONMALEFICENCE, JUSTICE and AUTONOMY. I have chosen to write my paper on VBACs. I believe it's an ethical dilemma considering how many hospitals will not even offer this as an option. I will be discussing VBAC in general, but my question is as a nurse, what would you consider your role to be if the Dr. you are working with does not do VBACs and is not giving your pt the full story. The Dr. is pushing the pt to have a repeat cesarean and not giving both sides of the story.
I chose this issue because it's personal to me and the above situation is not hypothetical except for the nurses role. I was pregnant after having my first child cesarean and the hospital my Dr. is affiliated with will not do VBACs. My Dr. did not even offer VBAC or tell me that might be an option, she assumed I would have a repeart c-section. I had to pry my options out of her and tell her flat out I wanted a VBAC. She tried to tell me that is was extremely risky and talk me out of it, but finally consented and said that at 36 wks my care would be transferred to a hospital an hour a way that would do VBACs.
Sorry for length. Also, I am not asking for opinions on VBACs, I've done my research there, but thanks. I'm just asking for what you would consider your role to be if the Dr. was not fully informing their pt.