1st Nursing Cartoon caption contest - win $100

Nurses Rock


Specializes in CCU, Geriatrics, Critical Care, Tele.

nurses, it's your turn. put on your thinking caps, write the caption to this cartoon and have a chance to win $100. ;)


after a week or so, we will repost it with the winning caption and credit given to the winning caption and the winner will get $100.

caption contest rules: to qualify for the prize money and fame, your caption must be posted here in this thread on allnurses.com. we welcome all of our guest to participate as well! it's simple to create an account.

join allnurses.com! it's free!

just post a reply below to share your caption idea, you can share many ideas, not just one :)

note: contest ended, winner posted here:


Specializes in CCU, Geriatrics, Critical Care, Tele.

To help us determine the winner, be sure and click the "Like" button below the caption you like to log your opinion!


Note: only allnurses.com members see this like option when they are logged in. Users not logged in do not see the like button.

This "like" count will not determine the winner, but will help us in making our selection.

Dr. Jones, I think our hospital is going to the dogs!

Specializes in Nurse Manager, Labor and Delivery.

Doggie Howser, MD

Specializes in peds-trach/vent.

i wonder if thats the doctor who was barking orders at me on the phone last nite.


"Small Dog-err man syndrome."

See Cheif, This is the Doctor that all us nurses are complaining about!

Paging Dr. Whoofe, please come to xray to see some bones. :)


sheesh! everybody and their dog wants to become a nurse these days!

Specializes in RN, BSN, CHDN.

Everybody is going barking mad around here

Specializes in Emergency, Case Management, Informatics.

Management is taking "working us like dogs" to a whole new level.

I knew I should have went to vet school!

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