Published Mar 8, 2014
5 Posts
i'm new here and i live in ontario. I am wondering what kind of positions are there for an RN in mental health? Are there nurse practioners? What about rpn's? I've looked all over the internet and I have found little information on nurses in mental health in canada. What courses would I have to take? Any information is appreciated
loriangel14, RN
6,933 Posts
The only experience I have with mental health is that when I was in school I did a placement at Homewood in Guelph. They hire RNs and RPNs. One of my classmates worked there after graduation.She didn't have to take any extra education except for some in house stuff offered by the employer. There a couple of programs in Ontario that you can take if you want some extra education in the mental health field.One is at Mohawk College and one is at St. Laurence College.
272 Posts
RPN's, RN's, and NP's all work in mental health. There are openings all the time because its an area with a high turnover. My mom has been a MH nurse for 33 yrs.
You don't need extra training or certificate to get into MH but it is an asset. I think Mohawk still has their certificate program.
Depending on where you live you can apply directly to the hospitals like St. Joseph's mountain site in hamilton, thunder bay regional, susbury, ottawa hospital. Those were just recently posted on workopolis.
Soerry for any soellig errors. High on postop morphine right now lol
Oh yes and CAMH also hires RPNs. They have had some recent postings.
I kind of meant a bit more of what does a nurse do in the mental health field! Although I appreciate the responses
8,343 Posts
Psych nurses are a different breed. We usually can't tell them apart from the patients in my hospital.
Usually work in street clothes. Depends on which unit you work on. Lots of listening and drawing out of info. Prompting to dress and perform ADLs independently, meds.
I know someone who went to work in the local psych hospital. Outings, listening and smoking with the patients.
You do have to great observational and charting skills.
What type of psych are you looking at? Geri psych, forensics, youth....
to be honest I have no idea what kind of psych i'd like to do. I am changing into BSc Psych program in school and i think i'd like to do a 2nd entry nursing program after. Working with youth would be nice, I'm either going to try to do this or become a psychologist, although from looking into nursing a bit I think i'd enjoy it more.
What you do will really depend on what kind of psych unit it is.
72 Posts
I am in BC but I have colleagues from Ontario. By RPNs, do you mean Registered Psych Nurses, or Registered Practical Nurses? In BC, RPN is a registered psych nurse, and practical nurses are called LPNs (licensed practical nurse).
I am pretty sure registered psychiatric nurses only exist in western Canada. A colleague of mine, a RPN, looked in to getting licensed in Ontario and was told it's not possible, you have to be a RN. I believe there is some lobbying going on to change this, but I don't know if or when that will happen.
The western Canadian RPN vs. the Ontario RPN has been debated many times over the years here.
I don't believe what your friend was told is correct. Western RPNs are used as RNs on many units in Alberta. They have the general nursing knowledge required but with an emphasis on mental health.
I know Psych in my hospital won't accept patient with any lines/drains/dressings but those nurse do know how to deal with them. It's for safety issues (or so we've been told).
Your friend needs to talk to someone in CNO who knows what they are talking about.
My friend was told that registered psychiatric nurses are not recognized or eligible for registration in Ontario. I know that they do work in hospitals in western Canada (Manitoba, Alberta, BC and Saskatchewan). As far as I can find online, those are the only provinces with education programs and regulatory bodies for psychiatric nurses. I am not sure if she talked to CNO but I think she looked in to it pretty thoroughly.
34 Posts
Where in ontario are you? there is the Royal Ottawa, Ontario shores in whitby, waypoint in peneteng, hamilton has forensic programs as well.