Nurses over 50 &/or with health issues affecting work

Nurses General Nursing


I'm sure I'm not the first (or the last) nurse to deal with this issue - I've been a Nurse for over 27 years and now I find myself having trouble "keeping up".(( Due to age? Weight? Arthritis? effect of an AA (sustained while working) and other reasons)).

I think it would be great to be able to talk to others about how they are handling things or what they have done in the past (for those who have retired or found alternative means of remaining in Nursing that are easier for them.

Feel free to email me or respond on this buletain board!


Franca -

Absolutely can you find jobs where there are 8 hour or even 4 hour shifts. That's one of the great things about nursing.

As far as the pharmacology goes, it's very slow at first. You get some pharm courses, and they really give you the knowledge of how to look up what you need to know and actually what you really need to know! Then when you're actually nursing, then you will have some meds that are just given time and time again for the speciality that you're practicing. They get to be second nature, and you don't have to look them up every time. Even to someone like me who has never had a GREAT memory. But the pockets in nursing uniforms and scrub jackets are big and will hold the drug book!!! And things don't stay standard for long, but for some reason, the changes seem to be easy to retain. I've been away from "real" nursing for over a year, and I still remember most of the dosages for the medications that I gave a lot, as well as the major drug/drug and drug/food interactions.

So, it's slow at first, but it's definitely do-able.

And, like I said, the 8-hour shifts are most likely doable as well. I don't know what to tell you about mandatory overtime - it's different from place to place. Some places, if you refuse, you get fired. But that seems a small price to pay if the alternative is working when you're too tired to function correctly, isn't it?

I hope this thread hasn't discouraged you unduely. We all have to vent sometimes, and I can't tell you that the job is NOT hard on your back, neck, arms, hips, etc., etc., etc..... I found that the attitude from the hospital that *I* had done something wrong or I wouldn't have been hurt to be more of an issue for me than the actual injuries!



Thank you Dennie. Hearing from you that there are possibilities other than long, long shifts is the encouragment I need. Also your information about pharmacology courses (and big pockets on uniforms! :) ) tells me that yes, I can do this. I'm okay with the posts on this thread, they aren't discouraging to me; they are very educational and helpful, and I feel a bond of online friendship with the nurses.

I applied today for admission to the local junior college to take Spanish 1 this summer. (I bought the Spanish book and workbook today so I can start studying now, because this course will be a BIG, BIG challenge for me as to pronunciation AND memory; but, I want to be a bilingual nurse.)

If I am accepted to nursing school fall 2003, I'll start then; if not, then I'll apply for fall 2004, ;) .

Thank you for encouraging me.

glad to see you all - busy day here, couldn't get on and respond like i would have liked to - and now it's soo-o--o late! i'll catch you all during the day h a p p y v a l e n t i n e s d a y ! ! ! ! !

here's a poem for you all:

"love, what love!!!"

by: karen ebel

as the years go by, you've been their support, the foundation for them to build their

young lives on.

the one who guided them, comforted and consoled them, cheered them on to great


sacrificed your wants and desires, dedicated many years of your life to give them what

they needed to get a good start on life.

then all of a sudden, you find yourself:

-helpless when they struggle thru hard times

-frustrated when you watch them make mistakes, wrong choices

-wanting to run to their rescue, pick them up when they fall, make everything ok

-aching and longing when you haven't seen or spoken to them in weeks

-yearning to hear their voice, hug them, hold them close to your breast

-wishing that you could go thru all the heartache and disappointments for them

-realizing that all you can do is pray that god will guide and strengthen them

these are feelings that no one can understand - no one except for a parent.

no one can understand the width, breadth and depth of the love parents have for their children

no one, except for god, our father, who loved us so much that he sacrificed his son - for us ! ! !


i'm sure this will not be lined up in proper form - but you'll get the meaning anyway -

good morning all!!!!! yep - i finally crawled out of the bed!!!!

boy this cfids (cfs) is the pits!!!!!!

as amy peterson (a u.s. speedskater with cfs) said on international tv: "i have my red-light days in which i can barely drag myself out of bed, and my green-light days when i can almost function normally."

today already seems like a "green-light day" for me!!

about aching backs - i have a buldging disc from moving many heavy patients (probably started when i worked rehab). but as soon as i found out about it i started doing back exercises and trying to take care of it - have had no need for surgery (thank goodness). i don't need to take pain meds for it - the only way it affects me is that i can't stay in bed for more than 8 hours or it will really hurt!!!! i don't think that's bad - especially with all the excess weight i'm carrying!!

i had to change jobs at the age of 43 when the hospital i worked for changed from 8 hour to 12 hour shifts!!! i tried but couldn't handle 12 hours - - - there are some places that still have 8 hour shifts and some facilities will work with you!!

glad you all are posting again!! i missed the activity!!!!!

happy valentines day everyone!!!!!!!!!! :D

It is ashame, but The American Nursses Association did nothing to help nurses with retirement. The teachers association looked out for their teachers and they get excellent retirement benefits.

Instead of spending so much time on capitol hill fighting legislation, why didn't they put all the dues that were paid to them into retirement funds for nurses? The ANA needs to look at their priorities.

A M E N hickman35!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So...what good are Unions? We haven't got any nurses unions here in Cincinnati (that I know of). I keep wondering why we don't have one and if they're any help.

Specializes in Community Health Nurse.

Hello Karen! :) I absolutely LOVE your post #123!!! Thank you for sharing that poem. You wrote that, didn't you? It's beautiful and inspirational, too! :)

I believe unions are our best option if we live in a state where unionization is supported. I grew up in a union area up north and graduated in an area where nurses were unionized. We had more control over our practice setting with the union presence, and they were an additional 'voice' in our favor. Now that I am down South where unions are a dirty word, I find my wage may be a bit higher but the conditions are far worse. Just my experience. I look to the California nurses as a guidepost for all of us in the US and pray that we can follow in their footsteps. What a great example the California nurse organizers have set for us all!

Hi, all you over the hill people out there !! I have to tell you that I am 60, have been nursing for almost 41 years, and easily keep up or outdo my younger counterparts, in our very busy ED. I think the secret may lie in keeping your mind, as much as your body, active. I certainly have my share of aches and pains, but I dont let them stop me. Last year I became a certified legal nurse consultant and am now trying hard to market myself for this...a harder challenge than the 32+ hours I work each week ! Hang in there and dont let anyone tell you that you are too old, that's nonsense.........we have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share. Vicky

Good for you Vickie!!!



PS - That *was* a beautiful poem, Karen. I've seen it before - on your site. I love it.

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