Nurses with ADD/ADHD?


Specializes in Counseling Service, Children's Pastor.

Hey all! I was wondering if there are any nurses with ADD/ADHD out there who want to comiserate and support each other? I know I need the help/advice. It might also be a place for "regular" people (I hate the word normal) to come and read and understand what its like for us. Or ask us ?'s.

I'll start with an intro:p I'm 29, and I've had an official diagnosis for less than 2 years, but have been trying to find the answer (for what's up with me) for MUCH longer than that:uhoh21: :) I currently work night shift at a drug rehab and on call at a nursing home. I have a lot of trouble in staff meetings - sitting through them, being treated like a brat because I actually show some emotion. I had much difficulty in school, (I didn't know back then), not with grades but with social stuff. I almost got kicked out of school because of the problems I was having.

But its not all bad. I'm funny and creative and often am able to connect with my patients in unique ways.

So we'll see how many of us there are out there?:)

Specializes in Psych, Peds, LTC, Corrections.

I am 29, diagnosed with ADHD after my 5 year old daughter was diagnosed. I work in an outpatient psychiatric clinic. I take meds for it on the days I know I am going to be really busy and I need to concentrate. Without my meds, I am disorganized and easily frustrated.

I think there are several nurses with ADHD. I know alot of people on stimulants.

Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.

ADD and ADHD are widely abused diagnosis's

now the Have also AAADD...Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder, shuckins I just thought I was getting old.

Specializes in Counseling Service, Children's Pastor.

I started this thread because I wanted to talk to nurses with ADD. Please save the "overabused" or "it doesn't exist" argument for another thread. I deal with these myths enough in everyday life.

I started this thread because I wanted to talk to nurses with ADD. Please save the "overabused" or "it doesn't exist" argument for another thread. I deal with these myths enough in everyday life.

I agree...I am not yet a nurse...I am a senior in highschool who has ADD...Have had since sixth teachers who knew about it could tell when I did not take my meds...I will be following this thread very carefully because I want to be a nurse someday and this thread could help me if and when i do.

Hello, All

I am a nurse who was recently diagnosis after my back injury. I am full energy, I am hyper to the max, and I cannot sit still for a long period of time. I was asking to be excuse or depart from the staff meeting early because I could not stand it anymore sitting there and listening to the same bull of he and she was not an informational meeting...just something to do....

I am on straterra and since I have been on this summer....I have calm down a lot able to concentrate much better than before. I can whip out things much quicker and understandable. I do have moments that I am busting at the run down the hall or to do something physical.

I am currently picking up my excerise program for my back. I will be able to put out the energy on the machines and feel great once again. I have to work out or I am filled with this energy that needs to be released. It is weird because I thought that the energy inside me was a surplus from not exercising. I have to do something physical each day and since my back is injured....I cannot stand that I cannot play basketball, football,and sports. I just walk on a treadmill and the elipical and ride an incline bicycle for 40 mins to a hour on each one. It helps release the energy and I feel better.

I never knew in high school why I could not sit in the chair and the class clown. Well, not so much as a clown.....I was always making people laugh and playing cranks. Just having a lot of fun all of the time. My teacher allow me to run up and down the halls when I became stress sitting in the room or for long meetings. It me feel better.

My physicians notice that I was not tolerating my injury well and the changes in my life. I was freaking and my pain dr. said I was too hyper and it has to be directed" and my family physician did. Now, I can concentrate a lot better, I can read longer, I can sit longer, I can pay attention a lot more and most of all my grades have improve a lot. My work is not messy or unorganized like it was previously. I am placing items in the right location, I am organizing my things instead of throwing them here and there, and I get pissed if things are not in there right location ( alittle ocd). I never use to be like an orderly person at all and I can find anything in my messies without a problem.

I feel great and my dr. gave me a ADD/ADH cd to watch tonight for adults. I hope it will enlighten me to how to cope with this outstanding quality that I

I will not take anything like ritalin or anything that will suppress me to the point that I feel like I am stuck in cement. I have heard some people have medications that make them feel tired and depress. And they are taking catapress with the other type of medications. Not me......I cannot take the medications during the day and I take it at bed time each might. I can tolerate a lot better.

Ok, are you taking medications for your add/adh? Do you feel a change if you are on medications? Are you a better organizer than before?


PS I was wondering how many nurses are diagnosis as a ADD/ADH individual?

Specializes in Counseling Service, Children's Pastor.

I take meds. My dr wouldn't prescribe strattera - she was worried about liver damage. I felt like my meds helped for a while. But they don't seem to be helping as much lately. No I still am not very organized.

I make fewer med errors now. I know that I need to write things down because I can't trust my memory when things get crazy.

Staff meetings drive me nuts. We had one today that lasted 2 1/2 hrs! I got angry about an issue that I feel I'm being lied to about and everyone got upset because they thought we'd solved it. :uhoh3: We never solved it, we talked about it and I got doubletalk in triplicate:rolleyes: Then it went on and on, boring little details.

Ah well, some days are better than others.

I am 27 and I was diagnosed before I started nursing school last year. Before I was working in my previous career and things that were happening at work now makes so much sense. I had many things to do at work but I would just sit there and couldn't figure out where to start. I ended up being late and over budget on everything. I switched doctors after I quit my job in june 2004 to start nursing school in aug 2004. I talked to him about what had been happening and he gave some questions to answer to confirm the diagnosis. I have been taking adderall since then and I feel wonderful. I had a 4.0 all through nursing school and I never could have made it through without the adderall. I wish i would have had this when I was doing my pre-reqs. but the time I finished the last semester of them I barely knew what day it was. i was taking 3 classes plus trying to do my 40+ hour work week into 3.5 days. i was a mess. Now I am great.

I not only have ADHD but dyslexia as well. It makes life much more difficult to the point, I want to leave. Does anyone else have this combo?

Hey all! I was wondering if there are any nurses with ADD/ADHD out there who want to comiserate and support each other? I know I need the help/advice. It might also be a place for "regular" people (I hate the word normal) to come and read and understand what its like for us. Or ask us ?'s.

I'll start with an intro:p I'm 29, and I've had an official diagnosis for less than 2 years, but have been trying to find the answer (for what's up with me) for MUCH longer than that:uhoh21: :) I currently work night shift at a drug rehab and on call at a nursing home. I have a lot of trouble in staff meetings - sitting through them, being treated like a brat because I actually show some emotion. I had much difficulty in school, (I didn't know back then), not with grades but with social stuff. I almost got kicked out of school because of the problems I was having.

But its not all bad. I'm funny and creative and often am able to connect with my patients in unique ways.

So we'll see how many of us there are out there?:)

Heh.... was considering starting a similar thread.

I take Dexedrine 5mg ii po tid prn. Best stuff in the whole world. With dex I have more control vs. something like a long acting drug. I used to write a newsletter for my dept. I knew I had to wait for the Dex to wear off before writing. Creativity goes to sh!t with amphetamines.

Anyone have the experience that when you take too much amphetamine you want to crawl under the desk and go to sleep?

ADD and ADHD are widely abused diagnosis'

In kids you would be quite correct. In adults you are sadly misinformed.

Please attempt to keep up with the research. It will make you better at your profession.

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