I worked with this nurse on Thursday and yesterday. I don't get assigned to her often. Thursday, she rode my butt about the stupidest things. (Did you get them water, did you this, did you that, etc.... YES, I did them.) Thursday afternoon, I'm walking down the hall after punching out and she calls me back to the desk... I'm over half of a hallway away to ask me if I charted I's & O's on a patient. I charted 2 urines in the morning, one at 10:00 and one at 11:00, and then charted end of shift urine and BM. These were in the computer before noon (with the exeption of end of shift I&O). So why was this done when she could have very easily looked in the chart.
Yesterday, same patient. I charted the urines. The patient had two BM's. One was early in the morning, and I changed his bed and cleaned him up. There was blood in the stool, so I put the sheets in a linen bag and left them in the bathroom. I told the nurse there was fresh blood in his stool, a lot of bright red, and I saved the sheets for her to look at. An hour later, I brought the patient more water and I noticed he had had another BM. I got another bed change and cleaned him up and changed his bed. More blood in the stool. Bright red and quite a bit. Again, I changed the bed and put the sheets in a linen bag in the bathroom. Again, I told the nurse about the second BM and I saved the sheets.
Found out at the end of the shift that she didn't even go look at them. The 3-11 PCT was hauling them out of the bathroom as I was leaving. I explained to her why they were there. She told me that the nurse never looked at them.
Was I wrong to just leave them? Or was I concerned over nothing? I feel badly about this because I always take the linen out as soon as I'm done giving baths/changing the beds. I'm so frustrated by this...