Nurse LPN

Nurses LPN/LVN


Specializes in CNA,NURSE TECH.

How much does the average LpN makes in a hour.

Specializes in CNA,NURSE TECH.

How much does the average LPN makes in a hour.

How much does the average LPN makes in a hour.

Can't answer that.

In what city, in what State? With how much experience? Working in outpatient or inpatient settings?

Unless you provide more specific info, can't be more specific than "An amount of money". :)

I live in MD. When I first became a LPN in 2009 @ a SNF I made 22.50 an hr.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

It's all about location, location, location...

LPNs in rural Mississippi can earn less than $15 per hour, whereas LVNs in the San Francisco Bay area of California can earn almost $30 per hour. Then again, $30 per hour will not afford a very comfortable lifestyle in the Bay area due to the sky-high cost of living there.

I am in Texas. My first LVN job paid $18.50/hourly in 2006. My last LVN job paid $27/hourly in 2010.

Specializes in Neuro/EMU, Pediatrics, Med Surg.

I just graduated and in my job hunt its been $17.50- $23/hour as a new grad. LTC pays the higher end.

I'm in Texas, DFW area

I just passed my Nclex a few weeks ago and wanted to know the starting rate for CT

Specializes in retired LTC.

What state? What city? Which specialty (hosp, LTC, HH, etc)? What shift? Any experience?

Your question needs some clarification.

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