Nurse Enlisted Commissioning Program USAF

Specialties Government


Hello, I am in the Air Force. I recently applied to the 2010 Nurse Enlisted Commissioning Progam (NECP). I am waiting for the board results. Anyone else out there as anxious as me?

Specializes in None.

I was just thinking of the 41 apps (or whatever the total is, if they accepted late apps ) how many of those have conditional letters. If I'm not mistaken if you have a conditional letter your put on the alternate list until they receive a full acceptance letter.

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Basically UMSL College of Nursing reserves 5 guaranteed slots for AD mil. As long as you complete the required prereqs and maintain the required GPA and are AD you're in. I only had to apply to the university itself. I didn't even have to do the CON app and they sent me my acceptance letter in Oct 09. I think they send out the letters normally in Apr. I was so gungho and eager that I actually applied to the school back in Jan or Feb 09.

I don't think alot of folks here at Scott know about the guaranteed slots though. They don't seem to advertise it. I knew I wanted to stay local since I bought a house here and when I called and talked to the advisor she told me about the slots.

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That is fantastic! Maybe this will help some hopefuls for next year. Thanks for sharing.

Hey all, lets not stress to much. Just keep in mind they want to fill 50 slots so if we are 1 of the 41 packages we should be in. I had a conditional letter stating that I finish classes but my classes ended last week and they have my grades showing I finished so it shouldn't be an issue. I am at Randolph AFB, TX and will be going to UTHSC San Antonio. Good luck to you all. For those PCSing it is going to be a fast move so good luck with that too.

Specializes in None.

Amillia,Welcome to our little group. I am doing my best not to stress but sometimes I just can't help myself. Being able to talk w/ you guys here is really helping though

Hi all I don't belong here since I am not awaiting board results but I wanted to wish you all luck on being accepted. I plan on applying to both AECP/NECP for the year of 2012, would be sooner but husband and I just had a son last month and we are PCSing to Elmendorf from Minot (yay!!) in September. Hope to follow in your footsteps in the near future!! Once again GOOD LUCK TO ALL!

Specializes in None.

Hey Brooke,thkx. You are more than welcome here...if you have any questions about the process, pls ask. I am sure people will be more than happy to give you information. I wish there were a thread liek this when I was selecting schools, putting package together, etc.

Specializes in Obstetrics.

Hey...easy now with the late acceptances! I am overseas and sent my package on 15 April Express Mail (which only takes 3 days), but the volcano that grounded all air travel grounded my package as well! Luckily Mr. B was kind enough to 1) take my package late and 2) allow me to send an e-package in the meantime. Just saying some of us couldn't help our packages being late.... :I

No worries, Kynchanted we are all nervous. Where are you going to go to school? the best of luck to you and to us all!

Specializes in Obstetrics.

Hi! I didn't know this thread was in here (I always follow SFSU's BSN threads since that is one of the schools that I applied to). Looks like there are a lot of us here! Anyone else provisionally accepted to a school?...I applied to University of South Florida (USF) and was provisionally accepted since their selection committee does not convene and make final admission decisions until the deadline to apply passes on 15 June...then I find out 3-4 weeks later! :I

Mr. B told me that since I only have a provisional acceptance, I am only eligible for an alternate slot until I have my official acceptance letter. Also waiting for a waitlist decision at San Francisco State University (but USF is my number 1 and the better school hands-down). Anyway good luck to all! :)

Specializes in Obstetrics.

Hi Amillia..I applied to San Francisco State and University of South Florida (I only have 1 chem class done so I had to look for schools that only required one to apply). Made my choices a lot less.... :I

Where did you apply? Best of luck to you! So glad there's a place for us AF girls to post about NECP! :)

Specializes in Obstetrics.

Hi! I am a TSgt, have been in almost 12 years and am stationed at Spangdahlem AB, Germany. I currently do dental lab (I make things that go in your mouth, e.g. crowns, dentures, retainers; well I used to anyway, I am the NCOIC so all I do is paperwork now). Married to another military member who is a waether forecaster; we don't have any kids. I applied to San Francisco State University (got waitlisted) and University of South Florida (they have provisionally accepted me and will most likely really accept me but they don't make admission decisions until the application deadline passes which is after 15 June). That's me! :)

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