Nurse Corps Scholarship Program

Nursing Students General Students


Hi everyone,

I am wondering if anyone else has started the application process for the Nurse Corps Scholarship program for the 2014-2015 school year. What are your stats if you don't mind me asking? Mine are EFC 0, from Tx, and GPA of 3.4. I wonder how many applicants will there be for this coming academic year. Feel free to ask any questions as well, we can help each other out.

Specializes in Non-Nursing Management Experience.
It will, after I have the baby. :p

Yes it will :)!

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.
Yes it will :)!

Good luck with the program at TAMUCC!

Specializes in Non-Nursing Management Experience.
Good luck with the program at TAMUCC!

Thanks, I am really looking forward to starting the program :). I am nervous but I think it happens to everyone during there first semester.

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.
Thanks, I am really looking forward to starting the program :). I am nervous but I think it happens to everyone during there first semester.

Keep us all updated!!! :) You got in, that's the hardest part.

Specializes in Non-Nursing Management Experience.
Keep us all updated!!! :) You got in, that's the hardest part.

I sure will!

quick question, does this scholarship still fund you if you go from Full time student to part time? i am definitely starting as full time, but I might switch to part time after my wedding (i know, big no-no) but just trying to figure out my options

Specializes in Non-Nursing Management Experience.

I believe their preference is for full time students, but in case you change to part time you just have to let HRSA know so they can make adjustments to your stipend, and other things. Thats what was said in the phone conference :). Good luck Zibi.

thank you, just submitted it! so hopefully everything works out for everyone applying :)

i just found it odd that no matter if it was 1 year of funding or 2, it still required 2 years work commitment..

Specializes in Non-Nursing Management Experience.

It's a great scholarship program, the only down side is the contract for two years that limits your choices. I know might as well get the two year funding since it is the same requirement.

Hello everyone, this is my second time applying for this scholarship and hope to get it this time around. I'm starting the nursing program at Pace University this fall part time and my overall gpa is 3.4 EFC of 0. This how they grade everyone application, I found this info last year in a thread from this website. HRSA Review Information

Specializes in Non-Nursing Management Experience.
Hello everyone, this is my second time applying for this scholarship and hope to get it this time around. I'm starting the nursing program at Pace University this fall part time and my overall gpa is 3.4 EFC of 0. This how they grade everyone application, I found this info last year in a thread from this website. HRSA Review Information

Thanks for the information. Good luck :)!

So while we play the waiting game, what kind of positions are there for the work commitment?

I know its suppose to be for "in-need" areas, but what does that really mean?

Is it just hospitals, or can we be placed anywhere outside of hospitals, i.e. pediatrics, research, LTC, etc?

Do we apply for these places (from a list of options they give us) or do they just tell go work here?

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