Published Aug 1, 2015
49 Posts
Hello everyone. I am in the process of starting my own nurse consulting business, with a goal of providing education to families who have a loved-one in hospice. My question is this: I will have access to patients medical conditions, and I want to chart about these patients and what advise I give to families. Because of this, I guess I will need to get HIPAA compliant EMR Software, such as Practice Fusion.
Has anyone done this before, or has anyone started their own consulting business and had to set up their own EMR system? Any insight would be great. Thanks.
7 Posts
If it's a good hospice they provide educa tion
Jensmom7, BSN, RN
1,907 Posts
Have you done any market research? How did you determine that there is a need for this service? I'm really curious, because I've never heard this idea floated before.
Hospice teams meet every 14 days (mandated COP, and there is a format to follow). This is where needs are identified and discussed. Since the team consists of the Medical Director, Clinical Supervisor, Nursing, Psych/Soc (Social Workers and Chaplains), CNAs, Volunteer Coordinator and Bereavement Coordinator, we pretty much have all bases covered.
To be a part of the Team meetings, you have to be an identified Team member. You are not. I can't imagine any Hospice agency needing an outside "consultant" to provide possibly conflicting information from what the Team has developed as the Plan of Care for individual patients and families.
I also can't imagine any Hospice agency giving you access to their EMR without a "need to know" reason. Hospital EMR records would be useless to you for home patients.
Sorry, this just isn't a viable or needed service.
48 Posts
I have to disagree Jensmom7. If I'm interpreting the description correctly, I think Pilot2FNP wants to focus on serving as an independent consultant to the families. The decision to place a family member in hospice can be a very confusing and divisive time for a family. Interdisciplinary team members who all work for the hospice may not give the family the peace of mind that they have exhausted all options for their loved ones. Family members may be looking for impartial advice and Pilot2FNP's company could provide that advice.
That's what our Hospice Liasons are for. Also, our RNs, Social workers and Chaplains routinely do informational visits with patients and families, where they get information regarding what Hospice is all about, what it ISN'T all about, and answer questions.
There is no pressure to sign up at that time, but if the patient and/or family are interested, then the patient is evaluated for Hospice appropriateness, and the admission goes forward.
I honestly don't see how adding another of information in the form of an independent contractor, who may or may not use the same verbiage as the Hospice team could possibly be beneficial to anyone.
I also doubt any Hospice agencies would feel the need for an outside contractor who would be providing the same service that their team is already good at, and does all the time.
Sorry, but that's the truth.
129 Posts
@Pilot2FNP @Jensmom7, BSN sorry so late. Part of Market research is seeing if there is a Conference that supports the idea/ interest group. If there is a large enough need, there will usually be a conference or two...not exactly what you were talking about yet take a look : The 6th Annual Patient Advocate Conference | December 5-7, 2