NURS 4325 Research Start Date 5/20/2013

Nursing Students Texas (UTA)


I am hoping others will join this thread and we will be as successful as in previous classes. Relax with our well earned week off. See you on May 20th.

My group? not so good... no group leader and only one person has posted her work. Who, you ask? Moi. no one else. and now it's thurs texas time. :no:

oh, and in the OOH today....the Prof said people don't get A's in this class. so we shouldn't expect one. sweet.

Nothing like starting off a new class with the prof saying you won't get an A....How frustrating is that? I have gotten A's in all the other nursing class thus far. I don't think that statement was necessary.

Specializes in Med.Surg/ Psychiatry.
My group? not so good... no group leader and only one person has posted her work. Who, you ask? Moi. no one else. and now it's thurs texas time. :no:

oh, and in the OOH today....the Prof said people don't get A's in this class. so we shouldn't expect one. sweet.

Are you sure we are not one the same group? Sounds familiar:D

Nothing like starting off a new class with the prof saying you won't get an A....How frustrating is that? I have gotten A's in all the other nursing class thus far. I don't think that statement was necessary.

I agree. Unnecessary and nearly inappropriate.

UGH! So I find out today one of our group dropped out - no notification from anyone, so it was a scramble to answer the question she was supposed to do!! I hate this class!!

Specializes in Neuro.

Yeah, not cool. Group just finished the final edits on week 1. I am praying these next 4 weeks go by quickly.

OK, I have to vent. My group is a disaster. Only one other girl had a submission that was even coherent. So she and went through each of the others' and gave specific changes they had to make. Oh and BTW, we did this days ago. Two of them copied word for word from the article and none actually answered any of the questions! Spelling was atrocious and correct grammar was non-existant. One girl wrote about how many participants were included or excluded from the study as an answer to the framework question!!!!! Two of them cited papers from 1999, the secondary sources listed, and we were specifically told not to do that. Another girl quoted the purpose of the study in the ROL section! But, that's fine, I understand that some people can't write well or whatever, but the most frustrating thing one and I mean not one of these girls even bothered to make any of the corrections on their portions; I don't think they even read our posts! They just submitted to file exchange and that was that. Last night I wrote a post begging them to please make the corrections today, and I waited until the last minute to submit it in order to given them a chance. All they had to do was read what the other girl and I wrote and just change things around. Not hard. We re-wrote the whole thing for them. So, did they do it? NO. Didn't even post one word on the DB, which tells me they didn't even look at it. I just had to put them all together tonight into the final version and send it in and let me tell you, it is one giant piece of complete and utter CRAP. I cannot believe this. If we get a C on this paper, we will be lucky. Can someone please tell me, what is wrong with these people? Oh, and this is the girl wrote to apologize that she didn't make the corrections.....because she had to work!!!! REALLY?

Specializes in Neuro.

Yeah, like we don't work. I thank you, ScarletFire, for your vent. LET ME ADD, and the coaches are of NO help. One girl posted in the introduction, then nothing. I asked the coach if she dropped. She responded with, oh, I think she is in another group. HUH? The coach assigned her to our group. We did not make our group up. So....we have 4 members. One didn't participate until TODAY, then wanted to rewrite everything the three of us had done over the last three days. WTheck? Come four weeks, go by fast!!!!

Specializes in Neuro.

Oh, and let me add....and I had to EXPLAIN basic grammar to this want to be editor as well.

Glad week 1 is behind us and hopefully week 2 will have better participation between our group members. Trying not to be too "take charge" but I guess that is just the way I am, I am not willing to settle for a "C" in this class when everything else has been an "A"

I have learned many computer skills along the way and hate to see things with red lines, green lines or misspelled words on something that has been posted for critique. Very glad that I have tech support at home....the spouse is a computer geek

Yeah, like we don't work. I thank you, ScarletFire, for your vent. LET ME ADD, and the coaches are of NO help. One girl posted in the introduction, then nothing. I asked the coach if she dropped. She responded with, oh, I think she is in another group. HUH? The coach assigned her to our group. We did not make our group up. So....we have 4 members. One didn't participate until TODAY, then wanted to rewrite everything the three of us had done over the last three days. WTheck? Come four weeks, go by fast!!!!

Hi laskydncr,

thanks for reading my rant and rave. your situation sucks. right now I'm considering dropping the class and taking a chance that I'd get into a better group at another time. This would extend my time in UTA, and that would be horrible, but I just don't know what to do. It will be absolutely impossible for us to get anything higher than a C if things continue as they are and I have no reason to think it will get better with these people.

Specializes in Neuro.

ScarletFire, that really sucks, but I completely understand. I hope things turn around.

Check the name of your group member against the assign coaches for this class...when I took it 3 of my group member were coaches so we had only 4 member instead of the7 that was listed. If you listen to the online office hour and each member follow the directions there should be no problem, because the professor will answer a lot of the questions for you...what we did was to have everyone log on to DB on Sundays to select which question they wanted to answer, it was on a first come first serve basis...if you didn't log on in time you get the leftovers. Then we would post our answers by Tuesday midnight, one group member would participate in the office hour and look at all the question and make the suggestion for change(this was a rotated task)...we try to edit all the questions my Thursday and make the submission. Our group got an A.

Ps if you questions was not turn in my midnight Thursday your name would not be added to assignment because at that point someone else will have invested their time to complete your questions. You of to hold people accountable!

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