Number of pre-reqs and encouraging words

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Okay so a little bit about me. I'm 22. I'm married and have two kids. The oldest just started kindergarten and the youngest is 14 months. I just started my first semester of pre-requisites four weeks ago. I only plan on applying to one nursing program. I have two full years of pre-reqs before applying to the nursing program here. From what I've seen about a year of them is average but I just don't know if this is right. How long did you have to take pre-requisites before applying? The TEAS is scored on a point system. From what I've heard about 800 or so people apply to the program every year and they accept 40. Forty! I have to be better than at least 760 other people. I'm a good student. I work hard. I study hard. I test well. From all of the stories I've read on here I'm terrified of getting a B. I'm terrified of not doing well on the TEAS. This is my only chance. I'm only taking English, College Algebra, Humanities, and an activities credit (violin) this semester. Next semester I'm taking the next level of Math, Chemistry, and Biology. I guess what I'm looking for here is someone to say, "Hey, I've done it. You can do it too!" I feel like my dreams are so far away. I know I've just started with it all but there is SO much and such a high risk of failure. I want to get into the nursing program. I want to become an RN. I want to help people. I think I'm going to be a terrific nurse when I make it there. I just have a long road ahead of me.

I don't have time to post a lot but I've been there. I'm applying in December finally! I have one more semester of coreqs and then I'll just be taking nursing courses if I get admitted. One thing to keep in mind is that all 800 applicants won't be candidates. Some never finish sending in transcripts or test scores, some don't have all the prereqs etc. you can do this!

Thank you! I appreciate it.

If you want this, you can do this. I'm 20, married, no kids. I'm in my 3rd semester, and last semester of pre reqs. To be accepted into my program you have to have at least a 3.75 and 80% on your teas. I'm taking the teas in December and praying I do well. What keeps me going is how bad I want to be a nurse. Same for you! You can do it. There are 17 prereqs for the program. I took 5 each semester and 2 online during the summer. So far I've gotten 10 As and 2 Bs and I'll admit those Bs could have been A's easily. Some people go to college to make mistakes and make "memories". Others go to get an education and start a career. Make sure your husband knows what you are getting into and will be supportive. You'll need it!

As for whether a year of prereqs is normal, I think longer is totally normal. I'm going to take a hear and a half, personally. Some people can speed through them and others take a couple years. So I wouldn't worry about that.

For whether you should worry about getting in - it's totally normal to worry but better to focus on doing your best!

Specializes in PCU, LTAC, Corrections.

It is totally doable. If this is your dream you will do whatever you have to do to fulfill it. I got into an accelerated BSN program due to start last month. However, the funding fell through. I literally went through a deep depression. I would have been a BSN grad by Dec 2014. However, things happen for a reason. I am now looking to apply ( and I will get in :) ) to the program at my local community college which cost 90% less. It might take me little longer however I will reach my goal. Do not look at the length of the journey but towards the end. I want to be a nurse and am willing to take a slightly longer route to get there. Trust me when you get into a program it will at be so worth it.

I have to take the TEAS as well. Just study for it. I plan starting my studying this week and I am not taking the exam until next year spring. Do whatever it take yo give your self the edge.

Good luck!

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