Published Jun 25, 2011
Cindy 17
34 Posts
Im done all of my qaplan qbank questions and my question trainers. Should I purchase the 3 week review by the boards the NSBN or is there any other review that i should do, like the saunders or exam cram, I was also thinking about doing some of my hessi questions from my hessi cd. Im so nervous I take boards in 3 weeks I just want to pass and become a nurse. I need some advice.
1 Article; 1,796 Posts
Moved to NCLEX forum to elicit more responses.
Good luck on the test!
38,333 Posts
Three weeks out and you haven't got all your material yet? Perhaps you should consider rescheduling.
what, what are you saying i havent reviewed all my material. I finished the kaplan and i have also been doing a ton of nclex questions from out of my books I was just asking is there anything else that is recommended. And for yur information I'am not rescheduling.
Thank you
95 Posts
I bought it because I like having lots of questions, but I do worse on NCSBN than any other site. So, I have a mix bag of feelings about it. I bought the Lacharity book and really like it. Good rationals and I have read lots of great reviews about it. Good luck!
Double-Helix, BSN, RN
3,377 Posts
I wouldn't buy it. I'm sure there isn't anything new in NSBN that wasn't in Kaplan and your other books. If you have been studying and answering practice questions then you will be fine. There is no sense in spending a lot of money to buy a review that gives you information that you already have.
And I really suggest that you take a break from studying. Take two or three days and put away your books and just relax. It really helps your brain absorb and process the information.
13 Posts
It seems like you've already done the bulk of your studying. If you want another source, I would highly recommend the Prioritization book 2nd edition by LaCharity....nlclex lovesss those types of questions from what I've heard. Good luck!
22 Posts
i took kaplan as well and i personally didn't like it very much. well, i should clarify that...i should have just purchased the qbanks. the class was a waste of time, in my opinion. but they do offer hard questions that are similar to the nclex. i think ncsbn's questions are most similar to actual nclex questions. after all, they are the ones that write the i've heard. i purchased the lacharity book after i failed and really wished i had it prior to. i had so many priority questions. if you're looking to review content, than get the saunders book but if you're just looking to do practice questions...i wouldn't bother with it. the questions from saunders are way easier than the nclex. same with exam cram. i personally really like davis's success series books. i think the questions are pretty close to nclex and they provide great rationales for correct and incorrect answers. i have an electronic copy of the med-surg book. i'd be happy to email it to you if you'd like. only thing is, it's from 2007 but i don't think it makes a difference at all. best thing of all's free!