now what


So im an excelsior student bridging from lpn to rn I just failed a nursing test and really don't want to wait the 60 day wait period till I can test again..anybody know anything else I can do like take it somewhere else or anything

Specializes in Med/Surg, LTACH, LTC, Home Health.

Unless your advisor gives you the ok to retake it sooner, you will have to wait it out....or enroll in the course version if that's offered for this particular exam. Also, you can also take another exam while you wait for the 60 days to retake the failed one. Good luck to you! We've all been there at some point...

if I enroll in the class do you know if I can hurry up and do the assignments and move if the course is 8 weeks can I finish it before then? or do I have to go the full 8 weeks?

Specializes in Psych-LTC-Home Health.

No, if you take a class (they are full I've read - until 2015) and you cannot finish before 8 weeks because there are weekly assignments - also they cost $1300. What exam did you fail and what study material did you use, if you don't mind me asking?

Foundation /chronicity of nursing and study group 101 notes

You shouldn't study from one resource alone especially if that resource is not the recommended material. Searching old threads to find out what others used and feedback after taking the test is a really good way to be better prepared for the tests.

Specializes in Med/Surg, LTACH, LTC, Home Health.
if I enroll in the class do you know if I can hurry up and do the assignments and move if the course is 8 weeks can I finish it before then? or do I have to go the full 8 weeks?

I've done what you described involving a general education course in the past, but not with EC and not with a nursing course. You can always check with your advisor to be sure, but I don't see that happening with an ADN nursing course anywhere.....I can see your point, though, being that the EC ASN program is self-paced. With the addition of ASN nursing courses, I actually believe with all my heart that it's just a matter of time before they eliminate the nursing exams altogether, leaving only exams for the general education portion of the curriculum......just my opinion.....good luck!!!!:yes:

If you want to take the tests sooner why not do credit by exsm rather than the course? You are doing courses not credit by exam correct? The courses are like 1300 and the credit by exam method, you self study and pay 305 for the tests

Specializes in Psych-LTC-Home Health.

How long did you study for your exam? What scores did you get on the practice exams from EC? How did you do on the practice quizzes in the study guide? Is this your first exam? Test anxiety? What do you think was the reason you didn't pass this exam? You didn't mention any of these so I am wondering because I used studygroup101 study guides almost exclusively even though I did also purchase the textbooks and passed all the exams, and I think they are awesome. If you talk to an advisor, sometimes you can get permission to re-take in 30 days. But you need to figure out what went wrong so you can correct your study habits so you don't have to go through it again.

It was credit by exam I failed..I haven't taken a single course I've tested out of all so far

And I don't know what went wrong I have always used study group 101 notes and did good...I know that the test center I used had just started doing pearson vue testing the week before and it was very unorganized I waited 45 min the first test to figure out what was going on for me to take the actual test and 20 min for the second test..since august I've did nothing but credit by exam which has been close to 60 hrs worth and I've passed everything else if I wouldve passed that one I wouldve only had one test left...then I could start fcca

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.
It was credit by exam I failed..I haven't taken a single course I've tested out of all so far

You can petition to retake sooner; a nursing advisor should be able to tell you how to do that. How badly did you fail? D or F? Sometimes it's best to take your time to study and not rush the retake. You can only attempt an exam four times before you're dismissed from the program.

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