Now that I've completed my contract, what's next?


Hello, I am an RN who recently completed my 3 year contract with my state's BON. It was a confidential, non-disciplinary, informal consent that required regular attendance at 12-step meetings, random UAs, meeting with a therapist and a psychiatrist, and quarterly reports. It was a long and expensive 3 years but I completed it and I'm proud of that. At the initial interview with my BON's contact (who has since retired), I was told that once I complete my enrollment, the matter would be closed and my information gets deleted from the system. But now, when I apply for a license in other states, I get asked if I have ever been part of an alternative to discipline program and I'm unsure how to answer. I don't want to mislead anyone but, honestly, I'd like nothing more than to close that chapter of my life and I'm afraid that disclosing my participation will come with new requirements and costs. And that will affect whether I decide I move. It might not be worth it, after all. Has anyone here ever encountered this situation? Thanks for reading!

I have been curious about this myself! I will be in the same position as you once I complete my contract. One suggestion is to shell out some money for a lawyer who works with professional licenses/the monitoring program in that state and get their advice. That way you are legally covered, but surely there has got to be someone on this board who has done it so I am following this post for updates! My worst fear is that I will be honest and check yes and I will land myself another monitoring contract in that state.

Hey there! Thanks for your reply and advice. So here’s where I am today. I asked my contact at the Board in my home state about this and she wasn’t sure so she asked one of the compliance officers (lawyer) from the Board who replied I absolutely had to disclose despite the fact that it’s confidential from the public. Not disclosing it could get me in hot water. I think it’s BS that they even ask this question and it looks like a way for them to get around the confidentiality of the Agreement. I mean, who’s going to challenge them, right?

Next, I found out who the Alternative to Discipline contact is in the “new” state and emailed her. (I know this seems dicey but I have nothing to hide and am not about to start shelling out money just to get a question answered.) She asked me what my current state is and I told her and am now waiting her reply. My guess is she’s looking into the whole “Compact State” thing. I don’t live in a compact state so we’ll see how that affects things, if at all. I completed my fulfillment here in my home state without any incidents. I’m not a criminal. And I don’t have to move there if I don’t want to.

Hey, congratulations on finishing your contract! It’s SUCH a serious weight taken off your shoulders. I wish you the best and please let me know what you find out if you’re planning to relocate as well.

Specializes in Emergency/Trauma.

Unfortunately, this is a hard pill to swallow. But state boards are looking to see if there were any disciplinary issues that occurred while in ATD, monitoring, etc. If someone has relapsed multiple times, or anything else come up, they may reject the licensure in that state. I wholeheartedly agree that if the fulfillment of the requirements are completed, then it should be over on that day of fulfillment. Prospective employers should not be privy to that information, but it does make one feel a bit paranoid that the board in a new state has that information.

I think it will be okay. My contact at my home state reassured me she would provide anything I needed and put in a supportive word for me. Thanks for your reply!

Specializes in OR.

making someone repeat a punishment/sentence after successful completion in a different state is just a money grab. I think it’s called ‘double jeopardy’ or something like that. Supposedly these things are about ‘ensuring/ proving that a person is safe to practice. Well, if you successfully complete one, does that not prove that you are safe to practice? What would be the purpose in having to do it over again? Oh yeah, cha-Ching!! I can see disclosing it, fine, but getting punished for your ‘crimes’ again? Ridiculous? Yep. Does it happen? Sadly, more than we probably know.

Specializes in CRNP.


I am wondering about the process after I complete my program in my state,  how hard is it to obtain licensure in another state. Have you had any updates?




If you see this will you post an update?

I have stayed with the single state license (my state did not participate in the elc compact thing until most of the way into my contract. About 6 mos prior to the end date, I FINALLY found a job that didn’t completely suck. I was there up until about a couple of months ago. For a variety of reasons, it was time to move on. I signed up with a travel company solely to get a contract at a university teaching facility that I worked at a decade ago.  (Never should have left, but anyhow). I wanted to check the place out and see if coming back was the right move. How often do you get to trial a job before you commit? Anyway, all was set to go when my recruiter called to tell me that they wanted a copy of the completion letter from the program. It weirded me out that the facility wanted a single piece of paper from 3 years ago. Fortunately I keep decent records and had it. They pretty much said, OK and life moved on.

I think you have to disclose it as in answer yes to the question but as you’ve completed it it shouldn’t matter. Though I think if a facility will turn you down for a job based on having been in a program in the past, they don’t deserve you. 
The BS that these programs tout about this crap being ‘confidential/ records are destroyed/ no evidence of you being a part of thier little money grab’ is just that. If you were to get nailed with some grevious sin down the road, you can bet your sweet bippy that those records would show up if it meant they could suck dry for more money.

Honestly, answer yes. HR might question you about it. All you gotta say is yes I was in a program and now I’m not and I have proof of successful completion and they’ll move on. Likely when you get to the interview, the person interviewing you will not know and does not need to.

Do not wear this like a Scarlett letter. You’re done and out of their crosshairs forever.

Specializes in CRNP.

Once I completed my program, I would disclose. I would answer the question yes, but I would state that I never had any formal discipline, I chose to enter the VRP.  The way these questions are worded on applications it seems dishonest not to. It is an alternative to discipline even if it is informal. 

Since I have completed my program I have had multiple interviews and state licensures and it has never been an issue, other than answering "yes" flags for a review in most instances, and approvals for licenses can take longer,  But I have gotten every license and job I have applied for since completing my program.

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