Published Nov 6, 2012
1 Post
Hi everyone! Just wanted to know if there is anyone who has applied to NSU's Entry Level BSN program RECENTLY and got in. I want to apply for Fall 2013's program. What was your GPA when you applied, how hard was it do you think to get in overall, just any personal experiences with your application journey.
I have a 3.691 currently and have taken Anatomy 1 & 2 with labs and got A's. Now I'm taking Microbiology and getting a B currently, will I be okay? Still have Chemistry and Human Growth and Dev. to take in the spring.
Thanks everyone in advance! :)
12 Posts
I am also taking NONA's pre-reqs but I am expecting to apply in Fall 2014.
I am registered at Broward College for CHEM1032, Nutrition, and Statistics for the upcoming semester. Where are you taking your pre-reqs and which CHEM class are you going to take?
184 Posts
I applied for winter 2013 and I got accepted. I am currently taking stats, nutrition , psy and sociology. My overall gpa is 3.73 and science I think it's 3.6 or 3.7. My overall experience has be very smooth. I did we'll in the interview process.
I had to defer my admission to fall 2013 because I am expecting a baby, and since its a non stop program I didn't want to risk it. I don't have to re-apply again nor interview, once the deadline come for fall which is April 1 they will send me my package so I can get my background and all that other stuff.
They accept application even if you still have pending classes that will be completed before the term you applied for.
55 Posts
Hi! I just found this thread. I'm currently in the process of submitting my application for Fall 2013. Next week I'll officially submit the application fee. I'm finishing up microbio, nutrition and sociology this semester. So, I feel like I'm already at a disadvantage next to applicants who've already completed their prerequisites prior to submitting their application. Nonetheless, I will submit it and hope for the best! Unfortunately, I screwed up a few years ago so my overall gpa is only 3.3 with a 3.7 science prerequisite gpa. I hope I'm considered and accepted. Good luck to you. Have you or anyone on this thread applied for Fall 2013 already? If so, any word back?
Hi everyone! Just wanted to know if theres anyone who has applied to NSU's Entry Level BSN program RECENTLY and got in. I want to apply for Fall 2013's program. What was your GPA when you applied, how hard was it do you think to get in overall, just any personal experiences with your application journey.I have a 3.691 currently and have taken Anatomy 1 & 2 with labs and got A's. Now I'm taking Microbiology and getting a B currently, will I be okay? Still have Chemistry and Human Growth and Dev. to take in the spring.Thanks everyone in advance! :)
457 Posts
I would like to know as well!!!! What your gpa was, what you think made you special, if you did any volunteering or not. Basically any advice you can give. Thanks!! :)
I am in the process of applying. I hope to have my application in by the first week of march. I have completed all my pre-reqs (though I am working on microbiology) and my current gpa right now is a 3.78. I am currently taking classes and finishing my last semester of my AA in nursing.
75 Posts
Hey Jcpr1988. I feel you. My pre-req GPA is a lot higher than my cum GPA because I was majoring in something else prior to nursing and I didn't do so hot. I have a 3.47 cum and 3.75 pre-req but I'm enrolled in some random electives this term to boost my cum. Hopefully, they will be forgiving with us.
I sent my application and transcript last week. My application was received but for some strange reason, my transcript hasn't gone through yet so I have to figure that out. I am applying to the 2013 program at Kendall but I want to be considered for other campuses as well. I spoke to Kimberly Atchinson today on the phone, and she was very nice and helpful. She said cum gpa, pre-req gpa and the interview are the most important factors in the admissions process.
Lovebuggy, I completely understand! I had a different major when I had most of the pre-reqs completed (minus science). So, it definitely affected my cum gpa (which is only a 3.3); whereas my pre-req/science pre-req are 3.72. On top of that, I spoke to someone at Nova from Nursing admissions and they said since I'm currently in my last pre-reqs when I send my application, I'll automatically be in the third pool of students interviewed. I hope I do make it to the interview! Lol. I will be submitting my application this weekend, officially. Just waiting to get paid so i can send it along with the transcripts. I'm applying to the main campus but I selected the option to be considered to another campus (specifically Kendall). Crossing my fingers all goes well! We just have to stay positive during the long waiting game. Lol.
jcpr1988, are you applying to Nova only?
Am applying to just nova and another school. But nova is my first choice.
Lovebuggy, as of right now I am only applying to nova. If I don't get in, I'll be applying to broward college and potentially consider the LPN route because Barry accepts LPN's for their BSN program. And you?
jcpr1988 are you applying to Nova only?[/quote']Lovebuggy, as of right now I'm only applying to nova. If I don't get in, then I'll apply to broward college and potentially the LPN route because Barry University accepts LPN's for their traditional BSN program. What about you?Sorry if I responded twice. The page froze the first time I replied.
Lovebuggy, as of right now I'm only applying to nova. If I don't get in, then I'll apply to broward college and potentially the LPN route because Barry University accepts LPN's for their traditional BSN program. What about you?
Sorry if I responded twice. The page froze the first time I replied.
I applied to FIU and UF as well. I've been considering Broward but aren't their pre-requisites very different?