Not sure how to study for pysch


I do not know what to do or how to study. Up to this point Ihave made A's and B's in all my nursing classes, but this class is killing me. I am reading the chapters and even doing the practice tests in the book, but when I sit down for the test in class it is like I am lost. Any advice out there?

Ah, the gray area! What I consider the hardest class in nursing school. This is all about your communication skills and presenting reality. You go from black and white of med surg to psych, where sometimes every answer seems right. I did all of my studying from the care plans that they had in our book. I tried to read all about the different types of mental illness and communication skills needed. It seemed very important in this area of what you should not do vs. what you should do. Like not whispering near someone who is paranoid. I spent alot of time digesting the disease and the theapeutic interventions needed for each one. The meds are a big one too, there are so many side effects that you need to be aware of. It will click for you, it is just a different way of learning then the other nursing courses. It is just not memorizing, it is about understanding what is going on in someones head and basing your care around what they are feeling. Everyone is different. Good luck, this was a tough course. But now I love psych and am looking for a job in this area!

Hey there,

I am taking Pysch right now, our prof has lecture as well as has us read the chapters (the chapters are really long too), but before a test, she tells us what we really need to study for. So far I am enjoying this class. So maybe you can ask your prof what you need to go over before your tests.

Specializes in ER; HBOT- lots others.

i dont know what to tell you either, but i am here for support. That class i was SOOO looking forward to in school, and then....gray gray gray.. but i made it thru.

GL is all i have for you,


Specializes in OR.

ugh... psych. sometimes backwards from the other material you learned, lol. i remembered a few certain tips that helped me out during psych:

1.) Remain with the patient. Safety first

2.) Never enable. The patient may be frightened/scared, but you do not hear/see these delusions/voices.

3.) Really know lithium! (therapeutic range, S/Sx of toxicity, what to do if patient is toxic. Watch Na levels!!)

4.) For depressed people, always offer simple choices! They often don't have energy to decide stuff for themselves.

5.) If a depressed person suddenly feels better, they may be planning suicide.

6.) Set firm limits with antisocial personality disorders. Set guidelines and rules.

7.) Know the guidelines for voluntary and involuntary admits. (ie: maximum time a voluntary can be held, and when a involuntary admit can seek to be released)

Hope some of these helped!

Specializes in psych, addictions, hospice, education.

Safey first above all, in all its aspects...

There's likely to be a question that asks about the word "why"...

Specializes in OR.
Safey first above all, in all its aspects...

There's likely to be a question that asks about the word "why"...

yea, the "Safety first" concept covers like half of the material. lol.

it really does.

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

it's really not different from med/surg, peds or ob. each disease or condition has a pathophysiology and signs and symptoms. set it up to study the same as you did for a disease such as gastritis. use my critical thinking flow sheet for nursing students to help you. what is different is that the approach to treatment is behavioral because many of the symptoms are behavioral. you may need to use supplemental books to help you out with the symptoms. manual of psychiatric nursing care plans: diagnoses, clinical tools, and pharmacology, 3rd edition by elizabeth m. vararolis may be helpful for you.

a psychosocial assessment is on post #34 and therapeutic communication information is on post #38 of this thread: - health assessment resources, techniques, and forms

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