Published Nov 1, 2005
307 Posts
I know its probably just me and my pessimism but I totally dont expect to get into any of the 3 nursing schools Im applying to right now.....not becuase I have bad grades just because there's so many other people applying too.
You guys all just seems so optimistic....everyone's like yea I just applied and should start next spring !
I apply because I know thats what the whole point of going to school and busting my butt is, but Im totally not expecting anything short of denials.
I guess if you have a 4.0 you can be pretty certain. I fully foresee applying year and year after year until I go insane though....
I guess I should listen to my husband, he tells me 'this is America no one can stop you from being what you want to be, there's millions of nurses out there your just as smart and capable.'
I just hate building myself up and getting excited for something only to be dissapointed. I wish there were guarantees.
Does everyone eventually get in??? I need some happy ending stories.
Fun2, BSN, RN
5,586 Posts
I think those with decent grades will eventually get in somewhere, IF THEY DO NOT GIVE UP!!!
I didn't get accepted for Spring, but I am going to retake my Algebra class, which I made a B in, and try again!
I may also apply to a couple of other schools that so happens to not require Algebra, but I just happen to have the pre-reqs for those schools completed already.
You can't give up. It is a total blow to not get accepted, but you have to have a good cry and get over it! :)
You haven't been denied yet, anyway! What in the world are you doubting yourself for?
It seems you have a wonderful, supportive husband. You have the desire to do what it takes, even if it means reapplying!
DON'T GIVE UP!!!! If you give up, you will never get in!
Good luck, and rest assured, you will get in when the time is right...either the first time, or another, but whenever it's meant to be! :kiss
255 Posts
I think those with decent grades will eventually get in somewhere, IF THEY DO NOT GIVE UP!!!I didn't get accepted for Spring, but I am going to retake my Algebra class, which I made a B in, and try again!I may also apply to a couple of other schools that so happens to not require Algebra, but I just happen to have the pre-reqs for those schools completed already. You can't give up. It is a total blow to not get accepted, but you have to have a good cry and get over it! :) You haven't been denied yet, anyway! What in the world are you doubting yourself for? It seems you have a wonderful, supportive husband. You have the desire to do what it takes, even if it means reapplying!DON'T GIVE UP!!!! If you give up, you will never get in!Good luck, and rest assured, you will get in when the time is right...either the first time, or another, but whenever it's meant to be! :kiss
Fun2care, I just wanted to say its a real blessing you're around. You always have postive things to say. I have a question for since Im about to apply to nursing schools this coming Spring. I've been school shopping and there's one in my area that doesnt require math either. I thought that was wierd, do you know why though, I would think that math would be important.
Thanks, Butterfly3001. I appreciate that. :)
I have come across several that do not require Algebra. Some require chemistry, or another class instead (which may have had a pre-req of a math class).
In many required courses, the student would need a basic understanding of math in order to pass the class. So, if you can pass, say chemistry, then you should be able to pass Algebra, or have an understanding enough to handle dosage calculations. (Some schools may require a nursing math course, or may require the student to learn dosage formulas on their own.)
Also, many, if not all, schools require entrance exams that have a math portion. If the applicant passed that exam, there is an obvious knowledge of math.
So....these are my opinions of why some schools do not require math. Granted, I may be totally wrong, but the reasons really sound good! :chuckle
Good luck with your applications! :)
505 Posts
Do I expect to get into nursing school? Well, what time is it?
Honestly, some days I feel very confident and other days I think I don't stand a chance.
There are so many hoops to jump through: maintaining a great GPA, getting a high ACT score, getting approval from hard to find pre-nursing advisors to enroll in the required classes before everyone else who is trying to do so fill up the spots, passing math proficiency tests, collecting all of the necessary documents, info, etc. to include with the just seems to be one thing after another.
Every time I clear one of the hurdles I feel great until I face the next test, research paper, whatever.
Thanks, Butterfly3001. I appreciate that. :)I have come across several that do not require Algebra. Some require chemistry, or another class instead (which may have had a pre-req of a math class). In many required courses, the student would need a basic understanding of math in order to pass the class. So, if you can pass, say chemistry, then you should be able to pass Algebra, or have an understanding enough to handle dosage calculations. (Some schools may require a nursing math course, or may require the student to learn dosage formulas on their own.) Also, many, if not all, schools require entrance exams that have a math portion. If the applicant passed that exam, there is an obvious knowledge of math.So....these are my opinions of why some schools do not require math. Granted, I may be totally wrong, but the reasons really sound good! :chuckle Good luck with your applications! :)
Thanks, the school Im gonna apply to has the NET entrance exam I was thinking that maybe that's where the math comes in. Thanks for responding.
198 Posts
I hate feeling this way, but I am also pessimistic.
I keep thinking that the odds of getting in are like winning the lottery, esp. when most schools I've applied to, accept only 100 students or less but gets hundreds of applications.
My grades are decent but not perfect or not even close to perfect.
I just think that the only way they can weed out all those applicants is choosing just very high grades or test scores.
Even if they say they look at the essay, etc..the odds are that someone with a very high GPA also has a good essay and good references. If they can't write well for whatever reason, they must be smart enough to get someone to help them write their essay or proofread it.
I just don't understand how people feel so confident that they will get in. Maybe it depends on the program or school. Some programs allow many more students and have less requirements.
I applied to Accelerated BSN programs and they are competitive to get in.
I just think that I may have to reapply again and again. But I don't think that reapplying at the same schools will necessarily make the odds better for me to get in. I think schools somehow will have rejects marked or remember them. Maybe I'm too pessimistic, but I just can't see how getting in can be so easy when there are SO MANY good candidates applying.
I don't think anyone with very low GPAs would dare to apply. So I am most likely competeing with people that have similar GPAs as mine or higher.
I am also tired of waiting for an acceptance letter. I hope to get into UMDNJ -Newark by Jan. 06 but apparantly they haven't made their decisions yet. I was told to wait another 2-3 weeks!
I know its probably just me and my pessimism but I totally dont expect to get into any of the 3 nursing schools Im applying to right now.....not becuase I have bad grades just because there's so many other people applying too.You guys all just seems so optimistic....everyone's like yea I just applied and should start next spring ! I apply because I know thats what the whole point of going to school and busting my butt is, but Im totally not expecting anything short of denials.I guess if you have a 4.0 you can be pretty certain. I fully foresee applying year and year after year until I go insane though....I guess I should listen to my husband, he tells me 'this is America no one can stop you from being what you want to be, there's millions of nurses out there your just as smart and capable.' I just hate building myself up and getting excited for something only to be dissapointed. I wish there were guarantees.Does everyone eventually get in??? I need some happy ending stories.
There are two ways of thinking, optimistically or pessimistically.
Being optimistic feels so much better, so why not?
Yes, there is always a chance you won't get in this time, but why dwell on it?
I didn't get in for Spring '06, but I am optimistic about Fall '06. If not, then I will be optimistic for Spring '07.
So, come on y'all be positive!
(YW, butterfly.) :)
Thanks for your encouragement. I guess it's hard to be positive sometimes. Also, I can try to apply again and again but what worries me about that is that I'm early 30s and hope to get into a 1 yr Accel. BSN program before I have kids. I don't want to wait until 35 to start this, since I know having kids over that age has risks. If I have a baby before I start the program it may be very difficult me to continue since the program is highly intensive. I don't have any reliable babysitters. I just want to get the program started soon, rather than a year or two from now. It's tough being a woman since we have clocks.
OK........There are two ways of thinking, optimistically or pessimistically.Being optimistic feels so much better, so why not?Yes, there is always a chance you won't get in this time, but why dwell on it?I didn't get in for Spring '06, but I am optimistic about Fall '06. If not, then I will be optimistic for Spring '07.So, come on y'all be positive! (YW, butterfly.) :)
I know it is....extremely hard in fact.
I just think about my own situation....
I "KNOW" I will be a nurse! If I doubted that, I would cry all the time about not getting accepted, and I don't want to do that. (I've heard it takes more muscles to frown than to smile, and I'd rather have laugh lines, then frown wrinkles.) lol
I can understand your situation though. I just think there's not any reason to be down in the dumps until you have a denial letter in your hand.
If there's a reason to hope, then let the dream/hope/desire to be a nurse overpower the negative thoughts. :) Good luck to you, I hope your dreams of being a nurse and a mother come true! :)
Your optimism is great. I hope some rubs off on me. :)
What program did you apply for? Will it be a full time?
I know it is....extremely hard in fact. I just think about my own situation....I "KNOW" I will be a nurse! If I doubted that, I would cry all the time about not getting accepted, and I don't want to do that. (I've heard it takes more muscles to frown than to smile, and I'd rather have laugh lines, then frown wrinkles.) lolI can understand your situation though. I just think there's not any reason to be down in the dumps until you have a denial letter in your hand.If there's a reason to hope, then let the dream/hope/desire to be a nurse overpower the negative thoughts. :) Good luck to you, I hope your dreams of being a nurse and a mother come true! :)
HeartsOpenWide, RN
1 Article; 2,889 Posts
II guess if you have a 4.0 you can be pretty certain. I fully foresee applying year and year after year until I go insane though....I guess I should listen to my husband, he tells me 'this is America no one can stop you from being what you want to be, there's millions of nurses out there your just as smart and capable.' I am apply to two schools (there are only two in my area) one of the schools does not go by grades. I have just as much chance of getting in with my 3.5 as some one with a I could be on the waiting list fooooorreeevverrr! (thats why I am also appying to the school that goes by GPA and gives you points for medical experience, foreign language and points for depending on how well you do on the TEAS test) Yes, listen to what your husband tells you, no one can stop you, just make you wait....:angryfire
I am apply to two schools (there are only two in my area) one of the schools does not go by grades. I have just as much chance of getting in with my 3.5 as some one with a I could be on the waiting list fooooorreeevverrr! (thats why I am also appying to the school that goes by GPA and gives you points for medical experience, foreign language and points for depending on how well you do on the TEAS test) Yes, listen to what your husband tells you, no one can stop you, just make you wait....:angryfire