Norovirus - Help me calm my fears!!

Specialties Geriatric


Hello, I'm a fairly new nurse at a large LTC facility. In the past week we have had a large outbreak of Norovirus at work. We've had at least 15 staff call in, or go home sick, as well as many sick residents. I'm scheduled to work tomorrow and Saturday. I'm generally not a germaphobe AT ALL, but my worry is that I'm supposed to be on an airplane to Florida on Sunday night. I can't get sick now! Any other week, I would just do my best to avoid getting sick, and if I get it, I get it, but the thought of being sick on vacation has me a little paranoid. Does anybody have any advice to calm my worries? Tips to decrease the likelihood of getting sick? I know handwashing is obviously the number one way to prevent it, but is there anything else I should be doing? Thanks in advance!

Specializes in Assisted Living nursing, LTC/SNF nursing.

Hope you wore that mask.

You bet I did!!! And so far so good, no signs of sickness!!! :up:

Specializes in Gerontology, Med surg, Home Health.

I wish there were a don't like'd call off if you weren't sick? Glad you don't work for me

Specializes in kids.
OMG!Nothing worse than getting sick on a great vacation.I think I would call off.... So not fair to everyone else, not advice I would give or follow.

Specializes in LTC,Hospice/palliative care,acute care. So not fair to everyone else, not advice I would give or follow.

I guess I should have added am emoticon or some other disclaimer ,I forget that emotions can't be read.I was joking.There is a reason I have accrued over 500 sick hours-I never call off.However if I had a $8,000 dollar Disney vacation planned I would think on,long and hard.

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