Non-hospital jobs for ADNs


HEllo everyone !

I know what Im going to say may sound silly, but I dont like to work in a hospital setting when I graduate. I heard horrible stories about hospitals and how nurses are treated like mules by giving then an incredible load of work. I also heard that its not about the patient anymore, so I just feel that this kind of job will give me anxiety and depression. you may think im a lazy nurse, but I know my limitations too. So Im just asking what are other non-hospital jobs for ADNs?? and do they require experience? do I have to have some previous experience in hospitals before getting those jobs? Thank you

Which state?

Whats round on both ends and high in the middle!!???


Specializes in Pedi.

I feel like in many other positions, your "load of work" is higher than in a hospital. In a hospital, you might have 3-4 patients (if you work in a good hospital). In a nursing home, you can have 30. In my current role, I follow 25 patients on a slow day, 40+ on a busy day. I find it easy, though, but because of the extensive background I have and I don't have to see all of them on any given day. My busiest days as a home infusion liaison, I've gotten 9 referrals. I would have never dealt with 9 patients in a day when I was a staff nurse, even if it was a busy day with a lot of admissions/discharges.

Specializes in Adult Psychiatry, Correctional/Forensic Psychiatry.

Corrections. A lot of jails and prisons hire nurses with an ADN. You might like it.

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