Published May 19, 2005
801 Posts
OK, I'll admit it, this is a personal thing I have. I worked real hard to get where I am. In fact, the nurse anesthesia program was the most challenging, demanding thing I've ever done. Even after I had graduated, I was not able to use the title CRNA. I still had to pass boards. I was pretty proud of myself when I could use that title. I think most CRNA's feel the same way. So it bugs the snot out of me when someone who hasn't earned the title uses it here or elsewhere.
I've seen a couple of excuses, the most common is "Well, it's what I want to do." I think that's great. Our profession is suffering a severe shortage, so we welcome you to the profession with open arms. But the fact that this is what you want to do in no way gives you the right to assume the title, even as a screen name. I worked very hard to earn that title, and it makes me pretty angry when someone who has not yet earned it uses it. Every time I come across it, I report it to the moderators. There is one school I am currently considering contacting about a student who is using the title while still in their program. Perhaps his program director can get him to see the error of his ways.
There are practical considerations as well. As CRNA's, we are currently involved in a number of political battles around the country. When you call yourself "CRNA," you give the impression that's what you are, and people take your statements to be based on education and experience you don't yet have. It is all too conceivable to imagine a possibility where a "wannabe" with the best intentions could harm our profession.
If for no other reason, you might consider not using the title out of simple respect. CRNA is a title we have earned, and you have not. It is insulting to many of us when someone who isn't a CRNA claims that title. If that doesn't bother you, then consider the damage you may be doing to yourself. If you do get into a program, and your clinical instructors find out you are using that title before earning it, your road may suddenly get much rougher.
In short, CRNA is a title we have earned, and we like to keep to those who have earned it. The day you pass boards, you can use it too. Until then, don't do it. It's disrespectful.
Kevin McHugh, CRNA
yoga crna
530 Posts
Amen. I could not have said it better.
We are a proud profession and I resent anyone who says they are something they didn't earn.
tvccrn, ASN, RN
762 Posts
I would think that falls under the catagory of impersonating a professional without a valid license. I know it's a felony to impersonate a doctor without a license and that someone can get time for saying they are a nurse without possessing a license.
Kiwi, BSN, RN
380 Posts
Great topic Kevin. Sometimes I look at shirts on AANA's merchandise site, and I particularly like this one:
Even though I really like the shirt, it does say "certified registered nurse anesthetist" on the front. It could be misleading. As much as I respect and support the profession, I don't want to be seen as an imposter.
73 Posts
As a CRNA hopefull I understand where you are coming from. The day I pass my boards I will have earned and be proud of that title. Maybe all of us hopefulls should have some shirts made. Students are SRNA's, practitioners are CRNA's, maybe we can be WBARNA's (wanna be a)RNA :rotfl: or SDRNA's (some day)RNA :chuckle.
smk1, LPN
2,195 Posts
while we are on the subject, there are many that are doing the same thing with the title LPN and RN on this site as well. Same exact principle, also illegal. This thread is a good reminder to us all that misrepresentation is serious and even in the "online" world we need to be clear about our credentials. I would add that before reporting someone to their school, i do hope that you pm them first detailing the concern. Just common courtesy inmho.
I would add that before reporting someone to their school, i do hope that you pm them first detailing the concern. Just common courtesy inmho.
The individual in question has been told in the past about this. His/her response was essentially "I want to be a CRNA, so there's no problem. What's the big deal?" Still, I haven't decided whether to take this action yet or not. I am giving the person in question a day or two to see this thread.
50 Posts
I just read your post along with others about five minutes ago as I have been out of town. Before moving forward with this and creating a huge issue, please give me some time as I am working the next 4 days 12-16 hour night shifts. I give you mind word that I will respond to you and the others. I feel it is petty and childish for you to even consider contacting my program director over this matter, but encourage you too if you feel it is necessary as I am confident she will attest to my professionalism and commitment to the profession and my integrity. In addition, I have a tremendous amount of respect for you and all other CRNA's and SRNA. That being said, out of respect for you and other CRNA's I will address this issue, but I am insulted that individuals such as yourself and others would judge me without ever haven met me. I would never pose as a CRNA in deceptive manner! If you'd like, we could discuss this matter further over the phone.
Please do not post your phone number here, or personal e-mail address. This site is Googled around the world and you are opening yourself up for being put on everyones spam list, and not including phone calls at all hours of the night.
Kevin,I just read your post along with others about five minutes ago as I have been out of town. Before moving forward with this and creating a huge issue, please give me some time as I am working the next 4 days 12-16 hour night shifts. I give you mind word that I will respond to you and the others. I feel it is petty and childish for you to even consider contacting my program director over this matter, but encourage you too if you feel it is necessary as I am confident she will attest to my professionalism and commitment to the profession and my integrity. In addition, I have a tremendous amount of respect for you and all other CRNA's and SRNA. That being said, out of respect for you and other CRNA's I will address this issue, but I am insulted that individuals such as yourself and others would judge me without ever haven met me. I would never pose as a CRNA in deceptive manner! If you'd like, we could discuss this matter further over the phone. I can be reached at XXX-XXX-XXXX and my name is Ramon. I can't believe that I would even have to defend my usage of my chosen screen name. Ramon
I just read your post along with others about five minutes ago as I have been out of town. Before moving forward with this and creating a huge issue, please give me some time as I am working the next 4 days 12-16 hour night shifts. I give you mind word that I will respond to you and the others. I feel it is petty and childish for you to even consider contacting my program director over this matter, but encourage you too if you feel it is necessary as I am confident she will attest to my professionalism and commitment to the profession and my integrity. In addition, I have a tremendous amount of respect for you and all other CRNA's and SRNA. That being said, out of respect for you and other CRNA's I will address this issue, but I am insulted that individuals such as yourself and others would judge me without ever haven met me. I would never pose as a CRNA in deceptive manner! If you'd like, we could discuss this matter further over the phone. I can be reached at XXX-XXX-XXXX and my name is Ramon. I can't believe that I would even have to defend my usage of my chosen screen name.
It isn't that you must defend your usage of your chosen screen name, because that's indefensible. It is claiming a title you have not yet earned, which as others have pointed out is not only disrespectful and self aggrandizing, with medical titles it may be illegal.
I will NOT be calling you. As a gentle hint, allow me to suggest that you not post your phone number on a public bulletin board. I WILL however be contacting your director. "Petty and childish" does not seem to jive well with "I have a tremendous amount of respect for you..."
By the way, regardless of your incredulity, I am passing no judgement on you. I am telling you that what you are doing is wrong. You have been told this in the past, and you responded with "what's the big deal?" The intent of this thread was to tell you specifically what the big deal was. You are a student, period. You have a long way to go.
Kevin McHugh
Laughing Gas
124 Posts
33 Posts
Wow. that's almost all I can say to this. I studied and worked really hard to get into school, and will be starting at TCU this fall. I lost a fiance over my decision (which in retrospect I know is a blessing), and am currently sweating over the financial and mental stress I will be facing come this fall. I have to agree with everyone else here. For you to put CRNA at the end of your sign on is both insulting and unprofessional. I look forward the day that I can use that title, but it will be one that was earned. You may think that it is not a big deal, but I can see, without even being in school yet, that it is a huge big deal to those that have sacrificed two to three years of their lives to be able to put that title behind their name.
19 Posts
I guess I am in the minority here, but I fail to see the huge deal this is being made to be. It's not like this is a court of law and the defendant is sworn in, it is a BB. Traumacrna is not putting up a front that he is a full fledged crna, as he has openly discussed that he has just been accepted to school. By the way, don't bring the respect issue my way, as I have nothing but respect for CRNA's. In addition, I personally know the sacrafices and hard work anesthesia school takes, as I will be graduating soon with my GRNA (politically correct term until I pass boards and become a CRNA).