Our hospital is going to eliminate charge nurses from the med/surg floors. On the med floor staffing calls for 5 license for 24 pts with the change it will call for 4 for 24. Staffing for pct on nights is 1 for 18 pts 2 pcts once we hit 19. Our unit clerks are going to also be our tele tech. Management has decided to put computers in all pt rooms and have nurses carry cell phones. I know that now we are already stretching ourselves very thin on pt care with the staff we have. Now with the elimanation of one person to help. The uniit clerk will make up assignments and assign pts to their rms
Does anybody work in a hosptial setting similar to this? How is it working for you not to have a charge nurse? I am very intersted in the pro and con of this new adjustment.
Thank you very much for input