NMC Test Online

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Anybody here who took the Pearsons Vue NMC exam? How was it? TY!

Hi guys!

I called nmc today to inquire if they have received my papers i sent last November 16, because i have not received any feedbacks from them in my portal if they have received it, but they told me that they have not received my papers. Did this problem occurred to anyone too? If any, what did you or nmc do? Thanks

OSCE worries: who's gonna take the OSCEs next year? theyll gonna change the skills or add some. huhu

Specializes in ICU/CCU BSN, RN, CCRN.
OSCE worries: who's gonna take the OSCEs next year? theyll gonna change the skills or add some. huhu

Hi Fissure!

Have you taken the OSCE already? What do you mean they are going to change the skills..? Where did you receive this information?

OSCE worries: who's gonna take the OSCEs next year? theyll gonna change the skills or add some. huhu

ive heard about that too... their gonna change tbe two skills... best of luck for us

OSCE worries: who's gonna take the OSCEs next year? theyll gonna change the skills or add some. huhu

are you now in UK reviewing for OSCE? Is there any way we could know what these changes are? I hope we can all prepare ahead of time.

Anybody here who knows someone who failed the OSCE and was sent back to Ph? :(

Specializes in ICU/CCU BSN, RN, CCRN.

I have not taken the OSCEs yet. However, I looked around for information about how the OSCE was going to be changed a little. Apparently the NILE stated that starting January 2017, the OSCE was going to be "refreshing skills" and scenarios. From what I am aware... the skills portion of the OSCE was BLS, Wound Dressing, and IM injections. But they will be incorporating new skills into the exam now. Good luck to everyone!

@cottn hello, haven't taken it yet, im with a friend here who took it last Tuesday. of the 8 who took it in our trust, only 2 passed...it was indicated in the NILE that they are going to refresh. i think they will change the patient's cases and incorporate female catheterization.

@aggatoinks i know someone who failed twice, she transferred to Wales.

its best to ask and get a quick overview from those who took it because if you will depend on NILE....well that's pretty useless, except for the forms, honestly, the videos are like... OBSOLETE. HEHEHEHE GOODLUCK!!!

@cottn hello, haven't taken it yet, im with a friend here who took it last Tuesday. of the 8 who took it in our trust, only 2 passed...it was indicated in the NILE that they are going to refresh. i think they will change the patient's cases and incorporate female catheterization.

@aggatoinks i know someone who failed twice, she transferred to Wales.

its best to ask and get a quick overview from those who took it because if you will depend on NILE....well that's pretty useless, except for the forms, honestly, the videos are like... OBSOLETE. HEHEHEHE GOODLUCK!!!

what's your email address? i have so many questions haha

Specializes in Surg- PACU/Anaes.

No I didnt- it's not super necessary. The CBT is a lot about common sense. It sounds like you would be fine with what you've studied. If you go into my profile you can see a post i made about a year ago about what I got in the CBT- good luck

Hi guys!

My CBT is coming up soon and am finding it hard to retain everything I am reading from the Royal Marsden book, I have been studying with the code and the blueprints and feel I have a good handle on all of that.

My question is, has anyone successfully taken the CBT without reading the Royal Marsden book?

Thanks guys!

Specializes in Surg- PACU/Anaes.

I know it used to be 2 years- might still be the same. Best to call to double check

hi guys!

I would like to ask if DL has an expiration? Thanks! Cheers! :)

Hi guys,

Are there any rules on proper labelling when mailing docs thru a courier?

i just used a brown envelope and label it on which forms are found inside...i forgot to label/write my name and nmc applicant number on the envelope ...will it still suffice?


Hi guys,

Are there any rules on proper labelling when mailing docs thru a courier?

i just used a brown envelope and label it on which forms are found inside...i forgot to label/write my name and nmc applicant number on the envelope ...will it still suffice?


there are no rules for that. When i sent my documents, i just stapled it together. No brown envelopes, no labels and i encounter no problem regarding those. :)

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