Published Jul 16, 2017
29 Posts
Hey, i have registered in NM BON and in Pearson veu but my ATT number expired and i could not apply NCLEX. I will register in Pearson veu again in September. Now i have a problem i can't login my application in the site of board. The user id and password are correct i don't know what is the problem. Im afraid that my application destroyed how can i know if my application destroyed? . Have anyone faced problem like this. Please help me. 😥😨
Thank you
In addition, what are the causes of application destruction?
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Have you tried contacting the BON?
I will tomorrow. Its Sunday today.
Extra Pickles
1,403 Posts
why would you assume your application has been destroyed rather than there is something going on with the website? Call the BON, ask them about it.