

Specializes in MSN, FNP-BC.

Has this happened to anyone else?

I started NS almost a month ago and it seems that for at least 2 nights of the 4 days of class we have every week (2 lecture, 2 clinical) I will wake up from a nightmare!!!!

Before NS, I had hardly any at all. I can't even remember the last one I had before NS but now that I'm in school they are quite frequent and it's really bothering me a lot.:sofahider:chair::sniff:

It has to be stress related. I have actually had a couple of night terrors, waking up everyone in my house screaming. I have never woke up as scared as I did those 2 nights. My husband thought someone was in the apartment and jumped up to check on the kids. I asked my clinical instructor and she said it probably was a night terror and they can be stress related. I haven't had any yet this semester (fingers crossed) but I know how you feel.

Specializes in LTC.

I would have nightmares too. I would dream that I'd show up to clinical with out stethoscope or that a one of my patients fell due to me leaving the bed up. I dream about NS all the time. Some times I wake up in the middle of the night sighting lab values or notes from lecture. Yeah, nursing school will make you a little looney, but you gotta love it !

Yes! It's crazy! I mentioned it to a friend of mine who is a NP and she said that she STILL has nightmares, and she's been out of school for a very long time... Guess nursing school kinda screws you up a little... :lol2:

Yeah, during school I actually have a lot of dreams of missing class and the like. Horrible stuff...

I haven't had nightmares about nursing school yet, but I do dream vividly and remember my dreams probably 5 nights of the week on average. But since I started nursing school, that's ALL I dream about! It's like I cannot escape, and I wake up exhausted, because I am dreaming about vitals and clinicals and OMFGwhatisthenextstepinthenursingprocess?? I did have a dream the other night that my average for a class was 74%, and we need a 75% to pass LOL so I guess that could be considered a nightmare!

Specializes in Psych.

Mine were worst in the month between orientation and starting class. I just finished week 3 and I'm starting to feel like I can handle this. The nightmares are only a few nights a week now.

lol i had one recently i went into my patients room and my patient had two heads and i had to take a blood pressure and i didn't know if i had to take it on both arms, one for each head =/ so i took it on both in my "dream." speaking of dreams since i started work i have nightmares about work too, mainly answering call bells, so you're not the only one.

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