Published Oct 5, 2012
20 Posts
So I've on nights for some months now, and my body has adjusted to it for the most part. It was really tough at first, and I still really hate it, but I'm able to handle it better physically.Lately I've been noticing that I've gotten really cranky, impatient, and generally a pain in the butt. I used to feel gratitude for everything, but I don't feel that humble anymore. I am not sure if keeping these vampire hours has changed my personality, or what! I've also noticed I'm less compassionate than before. =( I'm hoping that's all that it is and as soon as I can secure a day position I'll go back to being the grateful compassionate person I used to be.Can working nights screw up your personality this much?? Maybe this is a silly question, I don't know.... =(
CrunchyMama, ASN, RN
1,068 Posts
Totally understand! I've been working nights now since I went off orientation, so about a year now. I've hated it since then. I have an interview tomorrow for a day position....fingers crossed! I despise working nights....not good mentally (or physically) at all. Hope it gets better for you!
anotherone, BSN, RN
1,735 Posts
I am a permanent night shifter and would say there have been some personality and behavior changes for me. mostly negative ones.
xoemmylouox, ASN, RN
3,150 Posts
I gained weight, and I hated my job so yeah I was a total b*tch. Left for day shift and less pay and have returned to my usual pleasant self
Do-over, ASN, RN
1,085 Posts
Not a witch, turned me into a zombie.
Yes, and the weight gain... Its not because I eat much at work, its because all I do at home is lay around and eat.
Put in my app for an open day shift position on my unit (NEVER thought I'd do it). If I don't get it I may try another unit, even though I really like mine.
17 Posts
Now that I think about it, I can definitely relate. I have been having a lot of anxiety with swings of depression, and have been so inpatient compared to how I was a year ago. So bad that I've considered going to the doctor. I never thought how it could be related to night shift.
166 Posts
I'm right there with you. I've only been working nights for 3 months and I feel so my body is breaking. I'm SO much more impatient and short-tempered. My legs ache and I'm tired all the time on my days off. Woe is me!
I've found that you really need to make a conscious effort to take care of yourself when you're working nights. Work out, eat healthier, get a lot of fluids, pamper yourself.