Night shift turning me into a witch?


So I've on nights for some months now, and my body has adjusted to it for the most part. It was really tough at first, and I still really hate it, but I'm able to handle it better physically.Lately I've been noticing that I've gotten really cranky, impatient, and generally a pain in the butt. I used to feel gratitude for everything, but I don't feel that humble anymore. I am not sure if keeping these vampire hours has changed my personality, or what! I've also noticed I'm less compassionate than before. =( I'm hoping that's all that it is and as soon as I can secure a day position I'll go back to being the grateful compassionate person I used to be.Can working nights screw up your personality this much?? Maybe this is a silly question, I don't know.... =(

Totally understand! I've been working nights now since I went off orientation, so about a year now. :( I've hated it since then. I have an interview tomorrow for a day position....fingers crossed! I despise working nights....not good mentally (or physically) at all. Hope it gets better for you!

I am a permanent night shifter and would say there have been some personality and behavior changes for me. mostly negative ones.

I gained weight, and I hated my job so yeah I was a total b*tch. Left for day shift and less pay and have returned to my usual pleasant self ;)

Specializes in CICU.

Not a witch, turned me into a zombie.

Yes, and the weight gain... Its not because I eat much at work, its because all I do at home is lay around and eat.

Put in my app for an open day shift position on my unit (NEVER thought I'd do it). If I don't get it I may try another unit, even though I really like mine.

Now that I think about it, I can definitely relate. I have been having a lot of anxiety with swings of depression, and have been so inpatient compared to how I was a year ago. So bad that I've considered going to the doctor. I never thought how it could be related to night shift.

I'm right there with you. I've only been working nights for 3 months and I feel so my body is breaking. I'm SO much more impatient and short-tempered. My legs ache and I'm tired all the time on my days off. Woe is me! :grumpy:

I've found that you really need to make a conscious effort to take care of yourself when you're working nights. Work out, eat healthier, get a lot of fluids, pamper yourself.

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