NICU nametags and cribcards


On our unit we like to make every baby an individual nametag that is attached to their monitor or placed on the wall. We also like to make cards for special events (like holidays) and milestones (first bath, 1 month old ect...). Does anyone know where I can find some cute pictures to download that would be appropriate? The nurses make these when time permits so sometimes its several days before the baby gets a namecard. We have an artcart and donate the supplies so you never know what will be in there. I would like to develop a few designs that we could have preprinted and ready.

What kind of cribcards do you all use? We have two designs which are both from formula companies and are the same ones that are used in well baby. I think we should have cribcards that are specially for NICU. Are there any out there or should we design our own?

Specializes in NICU, Infection Control.

I used to freehand copy Suzy's Zoo animals. Also, check a greeting card display/store. They have some very cute stuff. Scrapbooker and rubber stampers supplies can help, and stickers, like from Michael's or Joanne's craft stores. They have fancy scissors to cut the edges of the cards. You can even take classes @ craft stores to learn how to use all those fun things! Once you make outlines, others can color them w/markers.

FAIR WARNING: You could spend a lot of $$ on something like this. I have!!

I used to freehand copy Suzy's Zoo animals. Also, check a greeting card display/store. They have some very cute stuff. Scrapbooker and rubber stampers supplies can help, and stickers, like from Michael's or Joanne's craft stores. They have fancy scissors to cut the edges of the cards. You can even take classes @ craft stores to learn how to use all those fun things! Once you make outlines, others can color them w/markers.

FAIR WARNING: You could spend a lot of $$ on something like this. I have!!

that you spend your own money on that! I still have my children's "name cards" that were made by the nurses when they were in NICU =). I am now working on my BSN to be an NICU nurse myself (if you are interested...i have a little bit of info in the post "Wow...Just found this forum"

Glad to have found this forum!


In my unit we like to make these name tags.

Every nurse has her own style.

We have a little box where we put our fun stuff for arts and craft. The staff brings things like stickers and pens from home.

I think the parents really like it when we do something like this for the babies.

We have the standard enfamil cribcards that everybaby has. Then we make individual ones with the baby's first names on them. We have a box with stickers and stamps and cool scissors to use.

Oh and FYI: Before you make a card with a baby's first name...make sure you get confirmation from the parents on how to spell the name. Never assume a spelling, no matter how obvious the name seems. Some parents get quite irate when their baby's name is spelled wrong. I made the mistake of making little Emily and Madison a card with out verifying spelling. Well the moms informed me their names are spelled "Emmaleigh" and "Madicyn":rolleyes:. Please don't make the same mistake I did:uhoh21:

s :p

We have the standar

i recently started on the big project of making bed cards for our unit. At first I too was looking for a pre printed card that we could embellish, but like you I had no luck. We are continuing to use craft paper and embellishments for ours and they are really cute. The internet has only one website that I have found for preemie stickers etc. Good luck in your search for milestone preprinted bed cards.

enfamil cribcards that everybaby has. Then we make individual ones with the baby's first names on them. We have a box with stickers and stamps and cool scissors to use.

Oh and FYI: Before you make a card with a baby's first name...make sure you get confirmation from the parents on how to spell the name. Never assume a spelling, no matter how obvious the name seems. Some parents get quite irate when their baby's name is spelled wrong. I made the mistake of making little Emily and Madison a card with out verifying spelling. Well the moms informed me their names are spelled "Emmaleigh" and "Madicyn":rolleyes:. Please don't make the same mistake I did:uhoh21:

Specializes in NICU, Infection Control.

If you can, try to replace the formula company crib cards w/"baby friendly" ones that say "I am a breastfed boy/girl".

we have the usual blue/pink crib cards with their info on it (dob,wt, etc) just like the well baby nursery. A very talented nurse we have on Days does calligraphy, and makes each babe their own name card that hangs elsewhere on their bed. Then we decorate them up with stickers (we are big into the suzy zoo here). The parents love them and they are great momentos.

Gosh! I am having the same problem! I am an avid scrapbooker, and have to make each card with heavy stock paper and decorate them with stickers etc... they are so cute, but it is taking alot of my time. I wish we could find a company that would preprint bed cards!!!! If anyone finds a company let me know!

If you can, try to replace the formula company crib cards w/"baby friendly" ones that say "I am a breastfed boy/girl".

We just got some new cards in, especially for the breast fed babies. I like them:)

I'm a level II Nursery Nurse, and my mom just gave me a good idea (she's a teacher) apparently at teacher stores they sell cute name tags for cheap. It'll be like a big bear with a place on the belly for a name. It's just a big pad like sticky notes but bigger.

I'm a level II Nursery Nurse, and my mom just gave me a good idea (she's a teacher) apparently at teacher stores they sell cute name tags for cheap. It'll be like a big bear with a place on the belly for a name. It's just a big pad like sticky notes but bigger.

We do something similar. One of our charge nurses buys seasonal cut-outs from an education supply store. They are approx 5x5 inches and have a glossy surface.This summer it was suns, bugs and flowers with little smiley faces that had lots of room left to write the baby's name with a permanent marker. We'll have apples this month, pumpkins in October, turkeys in Nov., an assortment of Christmas ones, etc. I don't know how expensive they are, but they are cute and personal. :)

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