Published Nov 25, 2008
4 Posts
Ever experienced giving NGT feeding and the solution (sterile water) in the asepto syringe started to bubble?? but before giving it, the abdomen is checked by pushing air and there is a gurgling sound heard just above the umbilicus. Uhm. what do you think about this situation? and how'd you handled it. Thanks a lot!
437 Posts
Could be the guy just had to belch and providing a way out was just convenient for it. However, I'd be very careful about assuming this is the answer. Did you aspirate prior to trying to give water. Would either want to aspirate feeding or gastric fluid or get an xray to be sure tube is where it is supposed to be before giving anything through it.
rentalnurse, RN
69 Posts
one hospital I worked at you had to have an XR to confirm placement before using r/t a nurse inserting one and puncturing a lung.
leslie :-D
11,191 Posts
punctured a lung???
op, did you check bowel sounds and assess abdomen, check residual?
even if placement was confirmed, i would have done more snooping around before i gave a fdg.
whenever i hear of 'bubbling' sounds, i think of early obstxn.
but that has been my experience.
either way, it warrants more eval.
478 Posts
There have been safety issues with verifying NGT placement - more information here