2023 National Case Management Week Giveaway

Celebrate National Case Management Week 2023 with the Commission for Case Manager Certification's (CCMC) $200 giveaway. News

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The theme for Case Management Week is "Keeping the Person at the Heart of Collaborative Care."

To honor National Case Management Week 2023 (Oct. 8-14), the Commission for Case Manager Certification (CCMC) is highlighting the role of case managers as advocates of collaborative care.

Case Managers navigate care on behalf of the persons they work with, and they collaborate to create personalized paths for better care. Case Managers are change agents, ready to actively engage with other healthcare providers to achieve the best outcomes—and they are always focused on the central and important role of those they serve. To highlight the vital role of today's Case Managers, CCMC is sponsoring a contest so we can share your views and experience with others in the field.

We Want to Hear From You

The details of the contest are as follows:

  • 4 winners - $200 Total Prizes
  • CCMC will offer $50 VISA e-gift cards to 4 lucky winners
  • Contest ends October 30, 2023

How to Participate:

To participate, answer the following questions (1 or all) for a chance to win a share of $200 in total prizes.

Questions can be answered in the comments of this article.

Question Options:

  • What is the most important thing you do as a case manager to show those you serve that they are at the center of care?
  • What three things should you always keep top of mind when guiding clients through the current healthcare system?
  • In a few words, tell us how today's case manager can become a change agent within their organization.
  • What three characteristics do you think are most valuable for those considering a career in case management?

About our Sponsor Visit CCMC

The Commission for Case Manager Certification is the first and largest nationally accredited case management certification organization, credentialing more than 50,000 professional case managers and disability management specialists.

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2 Posts

Three things should you always keep top of mind when guiding clients through the current healthcare system to me are:

1. You are capable of making a huge impact on patient outcomes just by being you and using your talents and knowledge!

2. The healthcare system is tough and can be very tricky, but so are you and your patients count on you to advocate for them! Concentrate on being patient-centered. Treat the whole patient not just the hole in the patient ;)

3. Prioritize!! The patient's problems were not built overnight and can't all be resolved instantly. You are a nurse, not a magician. However, navigating the most important issues, such as safety, first and taking steps to address all issues in a timely manner will build rapport and trust!

1. What is the most important thing you do as a case manager to show those you serve that they are at the center of care?

I try to remember each person is a unique individual with different needs and should be treated as the individual they are. Every situation is different and we should pay attention to each persons values and preferences.

2. What three things should you always keep top of mind when guiding clients through the current healthcare system?

a. We should always remember the healthcare system is ever changing and our patients have a difficult time understanding things are not what they were 20 years ago.

b. We should be patient and try to explain things to them in a way they can understand it. 

c. We need to understand each patient's situation and what resources they have at their disposal.

3. In a few words, tell us how today's case manager can become a change agent within their organization.

They need to have good communication skills and earn the trust of their team. They should be a good listener and take others suggestions to heart. They need to be able to know the instances they can make a difference as well as those they cannot control.

4. What three characteristics do you think are most valuable for those considering a career in case management?

a. Flexibility is a must. Each patient and situation is different and we must learn to adapt.

b. A Case manager should have empathy and understanding to gain the trust of their patients.

c. A case manager should be good at prioritizing. A day can be filled with a lot of different challenges and obstacles. They should be able to prioritize what needs to be done first and what can be done the next day if needed.

Annette M.

1 Post

What is the most important thing you do as a case manager to show those you serve that they are at the center of care?

  • Engage in active listening so they know they matter.

What three things should you always keep top of mind when guiding clients through the current healthcare system?

  • The healthcare system can be overwhelming to navigate.
  • Each person is different.
  • The healthcare journey is theirs.  

What three characteristics do you think are most valuable for those considering a career in case management?

  • Being flexible, a multitasker, and organized.

Lisa Kolo

1 Post

Specializes in Case manager.

What is the most important thing you do as a case manager to show those you serve that they are at the center of care? I use their name, listen to what they are saying and let them know that I am here for them. 

What three things should you always keep top of mind when guiding clients through the current healthcare system? Be sure to follow up with your providers and advocate for yourself. Bring a notepad with any questions that you have so you can be assured that the questions get answered while you are with the provider. 

In a few words, tell us how today's case manager can become a change agent within their organization. Case managers can help the company know what issues are facing the majority of the member's they speak to. 

What three characteristics do you think are most valuable for those considering a career in case management? The ability to problem solve, work independently and navigate change on a day-to-day basis. 

Specializes in Maternal HealthCare Manager. Has 12 years experience.

In a few words, tell us how today's case manager can become a change agent within their organization...

The proximity to individual complexities and barriers that CM's have with their members means they are well positioned to understand and address how best to serve and help people. The reality is that often when one person is experiencing a barrier, it is an example of how many people are also being impacted. Taking member experiences and issues and escalating them within the organization to improve people's health and access to health equity is a great way for a CM to use their role and knowledge to move the needle and function as a change agent. 

Mer Jose

2 Posts

Specializes in RN Care Manager. Has 20 years experience.

What is the most important thing you do as a case manager to show those you serve that they are at the center of care?

Listen and speak with integrity. Never assume. 

What three things should you always keep top of mind when guiding clients through the current healthcare system?

It's a marathon, not a sprint. Don't give up.

In a few words, tell us how today's case manager can become a change agent within their organization.

Do not fear change. Take risks. Speak up.

What three characteristics do you think are most valuable for those considering a career in case management?

Emotionally intelligent, Critical thinkers/Problem solvers, Skilled communicators 


1 Post

What is the most important thing you do as a case manager to show those you serve that they are at the center of care?

Case managers play such a critical role in the healthcare field that they are practically becoming the face of care. The most important thing as a case manager that I show to my patients is humility and an honest interest in their problems to build trust. Building trust is the most important and tough step in the case management process. Once you are able to build that trust with the patient and their family then you are able to guide them way better in their journey from one level of care to another. 


Specializes in Care Manager. Has 4 years experience.

What is the most important thing you do as a case manager to show those you serve that they are at the center of care?

I show my members that they are at the center of care by listening to and validating their concerns. I tell them that I care about them and go above and beyond to provide support and necessary resources.

What three things should you always keep top of mind when guiding clients through the current healthcare system?

I keep in mind that not everyone is familiar with their diagnosis and how the healthcare system works, and that they may need additional education. I also strive to be extra kind and empathetic, as these patients are often dealing with serious issues. Lastly, I remember that the members may have language barriers and I find ways to ensure they understand their treatment plan. 

In a few words, tell us how today's case manager can become a change agent within their organization.

Case managers can become change agents by providing top tier, excellent care for their members and encouraging and inspiring their coworkers to do the same. 

What three characteristics do you think are most valuable for those considering a career in case management?

Determined, empathetic, passionate about helping others

Tara Shew

1 Post

Specializes in Social Work.

As a case manager, the most important thing is to meet a client where they and work on building a rapport of trust. With this client can be comfortable and engage with us to ensure their goals are being met. Three things to keep in mind with clients, for me, are their health, safety, and well-being. Encouraging them to follow up with medical or providers targets their physical or mental health, safety to ensure they are always in a safe space surrounded by support system, and well-being, being able to check in or reach out when something is not right. Despite the challenges over the past few years, case management is upmost important because we offer care and support that some clients do not have. We are the behind the scenes helping hands and seeing our clients thrive that makes it all worth it. And as a team we can make this change overall. Three characteristics for case management, are to be compassionate, empathetic and patient.


1 Post

Specializes in Case Management, ED. Has 16 years experience.

What is the most important thing you do as a case manager to show those you serve that they are at the center of care?

I take the time to see each patient face-to-face to assess for the individualized need for each person. If there is a barrier, I listen carefully and think outside the box for solutions that can follow the patient beyond their discharge home. 

What three things should you always keep top of mind when guiding clients through the current healthcare system?

1. Avoid bias, everyone is fighting some kind of battle

2. Make sure your goal is attainable. 

3. Always under promise and over deliver.

In a few words, tell us how today's case manager can become a change agent within their organization.

The case manager is the glue that puts the entire care team together. It is our responsibility to watch over our patients and ensure they have the best care and most meaningful interventions from each element of the team. 

What three characteristics do you think are most valuable for those considering a career in case management?

1. We are the best at "adulting".

2. We think on our feet.

3. We anticipate needs well in advance and have a network of contacts to help us and our patients reach our goals

3 things you should always keep top of mind when guiding a patient/family through the current healthcare system

1) Guide them through a full episode of care looking at the big picture not just the time they are with you.  A stroke for example can include the hospital stay, rehab stay, post rehab (home or outpatient) and follow up care

2) When guiding them through an episode of care, help guide them to use health care resources wisely recognizing the limitations of payors. Educate them on how to best use those resources

3) Try to listen and fully engage to get to know your patient's story. Sometimes guiding through the current healthcare system is recognizing end of life goals. For example a recent patient of mine who had metastatic cancer and then a hemorrhagic stroke. Guiding and respecting the patient and family wishes

What 3 characteristics do you think are most valuable for those considering a career in case management

1) flexibilty, flexibility, flexibility - have to roll through the punches and if you fall get back up

2) tenacity - we fight for our patients and families and you can not give up and take the easy road. walk away and get perspective if needed but never stop advocating

3) an open heart and soul for caring. this is tough work and so rewarding and it requires you to be able to care about the work you are doing

The most important behavior I focus on to make my patients feel they are center of care is:  Be Present, Listen, Teach back methods and Communicate in all possible ways and always keep the patient first and foremost the center of the conversation.

When a case manager establishes trust and caring, the patient can participate and engage in the treatment of care.   The case manager must always remember the patient comes first and brings many questions, answers and details to be held in high esteem by all care gives and care professionals. 



1 Post

Specializes in Care Coordination.

Q) What is the most important thing you do as a case manager to show those you serve that they are at the center of care?

A) Always keep in communication and be a good listener.

Q) What three things should you always keep top of mind when guiding clients through the current healthcare system?

A) 1. Every client is different, and can have varying degrees to sometimes very individual and specific needs. 2. Try to approach clients needs from a wholistic standpoint. 3. Be sensitive, be professional, and keep your judgements (verbal and non-verbal) to yourself. You never really know what someone else is going through. 

(Q) In a few words, tell us how today's case manager can become a change agent within their organization. 

(A) As CM's, we have the knowledge to obtain/receive various services for our clients, and for a variety of needs. Not only can we help our clients to understand what is available to them, but we can also educate/inform our providers, nurses and patient access representatives as to what services we can provide, so that if they recognize a need in a client, that they can then contact a CM for assistance with the process.

(Q) What three characteristics do you think are most valuable for those considering a career in case management?

(A) Empathy, Patience, and a knowledge of keeping healthy, professional work boundaries regarding one's own mental health.


2 Posts

Specializes in Case management, author. Has 44 years experience.

What is the most important thing you do as a case manager to show those you serve that they are at the center of care?

Asking open-ended questions, and listening to what is being said while "reading" between the lines to identify what is not being said. Being the detective to get to the core issues and concerns.

What three things should you always keep top of mind when guiding clients through the current healthcare system?

  • What's important to them
  • What motivates them
  • How you can reduce the bureaucracy and help them navigate the system

In a few words, tell us how today's case manager can become a change agent within their organization.

To be a change agent, one must understand and be able to apply the principles of a change management framework. Knowledge of the Kotter framework is an easy-to-apply framework that can be applied to any change initiative. Have a vision and get support from those who share your vision as a starting point.

What three characteristics do you think are most valuable for those considering a career in case management?

  • Ability to work in a dynamic environment with consistently changing rules and client needs
  • Flexible and responsive to client wishes that may be contrary to "best judgment"
  • A lifelong learner

Rosane Paim

1 Post

Specializes in Nurse Case Manager. Has 19 years experience.

Question:What is the most important thing you do as a case manager to show those you serve that they are at the center of care?

I am a bilingual (Spanish) nurse case manager. I am hired mostly when the adjusters cannot communicate with the claimants- also when the case is complex and needs a nurse expertise.

The first thing I do when I meet my claimants is to let them know that their works comp insurance cares for them, that is why they sent me.

The second thing I tell them is that as a nurse, I will make sure they get the proper care, proper providers, procedures, therapists, etc.

I make them comfortable by speaking their own language and by doing a lot of education. 
There is a need to show compassions d empathy and make them feel well cared for.

I ensure that when they have surgery their meds are approved, their DME delivered, etc.

By providing compassionate care, they feel that they are cared for and that they matter. I always call them back or text back and if I do not have the answer I tell them I will seek an answer and will let them know.

Specializes in Care Management at Adult Academic Health Center.

What is the most important thing you do as a case manager to show those you serve that they are at the center of care?

- Communication to me is extremely important. Whether that be with the pt/family, the care team, or the Post Acute Services/Vendors. With effective communication it keeps everyone updated and then no riffs are created during the discharge process. When the patient/family/team is aware of plan/barriers it creates trust in the plan. 

What three things should you always keep top of mind when guiding clients through the current healthcare system?

-Follow up with post acute care providers is extremely important to prevent readmission.

-Always feel free to ask the care team if you have any questions.

-Advocate for yourself and your family member if you feel something is not right.

In a few words, tell us how today's case manager can become a change agent within their organization.

-We can do this during our daily multidisciplinary rounds by keeping updated on the medical barriers, pushing for discharges on medical issues that can be treated at a lower level of care, keeping families informed of plan, allowing families to be a part of the discharge planning phase, collaborating with post acute services, and bringing team together to facilitate and safe plan if needed. 

What three characteristics do you think are most valuable for those considering a career in case management?

-Being an important member of the care team for each pt. 

-Gaining knowledge and using critical thinking skills to navigate through complex discharges. 

-Building trust and following through with care team, patients, and families. 


3 Posts

Specializes in Case Manager. Has 34 years experience.

What three characteristic do you think are most valuable for those considering a career in case management?

1) Effective communication skills, It is essential with patients, familes, healthcare providers and insurance companies. CM need to convey complex medical information clearly and empathetically.

2) CM must have critical thinking skills. CM must assess patients needs, create care plans, and adapt changing circumstances. Critical thinking helps in making informed decisions and solving problems.

3) Empathy and compassion. Patients often face challenging situations and empathy helps case managers provide emotional support and build trust, which can improve patient outcomes.


3 Posts

Specializes in Case Manager. Has 34 years experience.

What is the most important thing that you do as a case manager to show those you serve that they are at the center of care?

I work for an insurance company and as a CM, I think my role is important. I coordinate and oversee the care and services provided to our members.  This include assessing our members needs, developing a care plan, and ensuring appropriate medical treatments and services are provided efficiently and cost effectively. I also assist our members manage cost by identifying opportunities for cost saving and facilitating communication between providers, members, and claim providers. Additionally, as a CM, I ensure that our members needs are met.

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