New to travel nursing & Core Medical Group



Considering a 13 week assignment with Core Medical Group, they offered good pay, one bedroom apt, insurance, but not rountrip airflight. Any thoughts on this company? I liked the recruiter compared to other companies i spoke with. More of a go getter, listening to exactly what i wanted. Any opinions? Thanks!

How about reimbursement for travel expenses driving out? Medical insurance? Dental? All utilities, including telelphone and cable?

Where do they want to place you? Where are they based? Is there a human that answers the phone 24 per day and available 24/7 if you have any problems?

Specializes in MS Home Health.

Household items ie/dishes etc? Some companies send that, some charge you if they send those types of items and some don't care/big smile.

How far are you traveling away as that may help me with some tips/questions?


How about reimbursement for travel expenses driving out? Medical insurance? Dental? All utilities, including telelphone and cable?

Where do they want to place you? Where are they based? Is there a human that answers the phone 24 per day and available 24/7 if you have any problems?

Good questions, they did offer auto ($100. per wk reuimburse), Blue Cross health day one,apt (did not ask details what is in!), paying for license walk through but not airline flight (i thought that was werid.) I will check w/recruiter and find out more details. Thankis Suzanne.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Peds, Ortho, LTC and MORE.

I have traveled for the last 15 years or so... here's my list of questions I use. I have worked with several travel agencies, so these are my "standard" questions.

Some good questions to ask when selecting an agency are:

1) What % profit do you expect for your services?

2) How are you competitively pricing in the market to ensure availability of work for the nurse?

3) What hospitals can supply you references to both your quality and partnership?

4) How long have you been a staffing firm?

5) What do you bring to the table that warrants a nurse's employment with you?

6) Does this agency have a nurse manager and when was the last time he/she worked with a patient?

Housing is also important to consider when deciding on a travel assignment. Make sure to ask about the following issues-

What kind of housing is guaranteed?

Will it be private or will you share with another travel nurse?

Is it in a safe neighborhood?

How far is the housing from the work assignment?

Will you be able to take your car or will there be public transportation?

What items are furnished?

What items are suggested that you bring? ie: dishes, bed and kitchen linens, microwave,TV, ect.

What utilities are included? Which would I be responsible for? ie Telephone, Cable etc.

Contract Questions

Before you sign on the dotted line, read your contract carefully. It should outline your working hours, salary, and any other issues, such as a floating policy.

What kind of orientation does the hospital provide?

What is the unit's type and size?

What is the nurse-to-patient ratio?

What shifts will you be expected to work-weekends or on-call?

Do you have self scheduling or how is the scheduling done for the unit?

Will there be a charge nurse on all shifts?

What kind of equipment is used in the unit?

Is charting done by computer or handwritten notes?

Will you be required to float to other units?

What resources are available?

Will you be expected to take charge, and what does that entail at that particular facility?

Is call required for this position?

If so, what are the call requirements?

Parking is an issue in some cities. Travelers should be sure to ask about the costs of parking.

If working night shift be sure to ask if the hospital cafeteria is open for food during your hours to work. I forgot to ask that once and well I DO like to eat!! LOL

Hope these help you and happy traveling.. ah those "mini vacations" I mean travel assignments :-)


Considering a 13 week assignment with Core Medical Group, they offered good pay, one bedroom apt, insurance, but not rountrip airflight. Any thoughts on this company? I liked the recruiter compared to other companies i spoke with. More of a go getter, listening to exactly what i wanted. Any opinions? Thanks!

I worked for coremedical and have very good housing with washer and dryer in apt., great furniture,,,,, and all starts day one..........

good benefits. travel reimbursement good

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