Published Oct 8, 2005
1 Post
Hi...I have just been introduced to this site, and hope that i will be able to get the help i am looking for. not to get into too many details, but has anyone had to defend their license before a state board (more specifically Tennessee)? i am appearing before them in December concerning an incident that happened in another state, and am scared to death. please let me know if anyone has any advise..Thanks
3,099 Posts
Hello and welcome to allnurses!. I am sorry I can not answer your concerns but I know someone in this BB will. Good luck and and wish you the best!
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,406 Posts
Good luck. Perhaps if you ask on the general nurses board or another board, rather than the introductions board, you'll get more people to answer. Welcome.
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
:melody: welcome aboard. good luck.:balloons:
6,011 Posts
The best advice I can give is to get an attorney- a Nurse Attorney if possible. If you have malpractice insurance, contact your agent and they should be able to help. Going it alone in my opinion is not a smart thing to do. Good luck.
17 Articles; 45,819 Posts
Hello, funkyglyph,:Melody:
Many have had to defend their license before the BON. If you are concerned, you should contact an attorney. Now many BON will tell you that an attorney will not make a difference for the outcome will be the same with or without one, but, I suggest that you do so.
Good luck.