new orleans nursing students


I'm sorry if a thread like this has already been done. I live in Baton Rouge (60 miles west of N.O.) and just got power back and internet up. The schools here are starting back tomorrow so we just had to skip one week of clinical. The director of our nursing program let us know that we will probably be taking in a lot of the nursing students from new orleans into our program. I know the Pennington Biomedical Center here is taking in the medical students from the LSU med school which is in N.O. I was wondering if the nursing students had heard any information as to what they were going to be doing although school is probably the last thing on your minds at the moment. I think all of the nursing schools in the area (here and Lafayette) will be opening their doors to you from what I understand.

We have students in my class that have lost their homes and family members to Katrina...I'm actually about to open up my home to a classmate who has no place to stay. While it sounds ridiculous for us to go to school in the midst of this crisis, I truly think it will be a good distraction. Quite a few classmates have 10 or more family members staying in their small homes with no electricity, multiple pets and are ready to go back just to get a break from all the chaos in their house.

Anyway I hope you and your families are safe and I may see you soon.


Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.

You are so sweet and kind to post this. I also want to add that many schools around the US are accepting students free of charge. :)

I'm sorry if a thread like this has already been done. I live in Baton Rouge (60 miles west of N.O.) and just got power back and internet up. The schools here are starting back tomorrow so we just had to skip one week of clinical. The director of our nursing program let us know that we will probably be taking in a lot of the nursing students from new orleans into our program. I know the Pennington Biomedical Center here is taking in the medical students from the LSU med school which is in N.O. I was wondering if the nursing students had heard any information as to what they were going to be doing although school is probably the last thing on your minds at the moment. I think all of the nursing schools in the area (here and Lafayette) will be opening their doors to you from what I understand.

We have students in my class that have lost their homes and family members to Katrina...I'm actually about to open up my home to a classmate who has no place to stay. While it sounds ridiculous for us to go to school in the midst of this crisis, I truly think it will be a good distraction. Quite a few classmates have 10 or more family members staying in their small homes with no electricity, multiple pets and are ready to go back just to get a break from all the chaos in their house.

Anyway I hope you and your families are safe and I may see you soon.


I go to LSUSON and our school is under water. There is talk of us moving to baton rouge. there is nothng definite yet the faculity is having another meetin on sept. 7 and there could be some new developments. I hope they provide housing. Do you know of any houses for rent? I know y'all are getting people from new orleans who are going to make baton rouge their temporary home and I worried about housing.

Thanks :)


I go to LSUSON and our school is under water. There is talk of us moving to baton rouge. there is nothng definite yet the faculity is having another meetin on sept. 7 and there could be some new developments. I hope they provide housing. Do you know of any houses for rent? I know y'all are getting people from new orleans who are going to make baton rouge their temporary home and I worried about housing.

Thanks :)


Jen the last I heard was that we have no available real estate here; however, my roommate has family who found an apartment a couple of days ago and I also have heard of people who are still finding houses to buy...most apartments and rental houses are gone but I would start doing some research now. Homes that have been on the market for 10 years are being bought up. They're telling us there is nothing available but I have a feeling there are still a few apartments and houses in the area. I hope you are all safe and good luck. I can message you my email address if you need information once you find out what yall are doing so just let me know.


I go to LSUSON and our school is under water. There is talk of us moving to baton rouge. there is nothng definite yet the faculity is having another meetin on sept. 7 and there could be some new developments. I hope they provide housing. Do you know of any houses for rent? I know y'all are getting people from new orleans who are going to make baton rouge their temporary home and I worried about housing.

Thanks :)


I am so glad you are safe. The nurses of greenwich and I have been so worried about you. I have tried to email twice but they have been returned. What help do you need? :wink2:

That's nice of you to take in a classmate! My best friend's mom lived in New Orleans(well, Burus) and is in the nursing program. She only had time to apparently grab her computer(so she could continue her schooling) and some clothes. Had to convince her parents to leave with her, since they stuck it out all the times before, including the hurricane in '65.They were able to make it to Alabama ok. I spoke to her son Kenny recently on the phone for a short time(i think last friday), and he said she was gonna go back and see if anything was left of the home, but of course, had to get there by boat. She's mostly upset over the baby pics of her 2 sons anymore.

I can't find the post from a local (SF Bay Area/CA) woman that was headed back to school in LA/Katrina area who's NP program and school is now gone. I wanted to let her and others know that UCSF is taking on students and I am sure they will work with whatever circumstances they can. Here's the link:


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