Published Aug 16, 2009
10 Posts
After thinking about it for over 2 years now, I've decided on a career change. I've always wanted to go into nursing and now I'm very happy with my decision to follow through with my dream. I just don't really know where to start. I would like to get my Associate Degree in Nursing but don't have any of the pre-requisites I would need to get into a program. I currently work on a cruise ship and have a lot of time on my hands so I figured it would be a good time to get my pre requisites done. Is there any way that I could do that online? I would like to have them done by the time I finish my contract on the ship (which would be by the end of next year). Any advice would be great!!
tnbutterfly - Mary, BSN
83 Articles; 5,923 Posts
Hello and welcome to the site.
You might find some helpful advice in the Pre-Nursing Student Forum.
Thanks....I will check it out
89 Posts
many pre-req courses can be done on line. however, i would STRONGLY suggest you refrain from putting rigid time schedules on yourself. life will get in the way, as it always does and if your plans include getting certain things done in a certain amount of time, you will get frustrated and make decisions that are based on your time line. classes fill up, some classes are not done on line....then of course there is always getting in to actual nursing school which, unfortunately varies from state to state (california couldn't admit based on grades when i went---it was strictly a lottery for the 2 year programs. other states count grades.) and then from school to school. you might not get in exactly when you apply.
if you got a degree in chem, you are obviously a smarty-pants, so you will probably do well with whatever way you decide to attack this. but i have seen too many people give up dreams because of a snag or 3 in the time line.
good luck and welcome to the site. don't let us scare you!
685 Posts
If you need ANatomy and Physiology, you can do both of those online, with lab, with no required prerequisites, through Amarillo Community College. All the rest you can usually do online, as well. I have gone through Cochise College, Rio Salado, and Amarillo College. Congrats on your decision and good luck!
3 Posts
depending on your state, alot of the classes can be done online, however depending on the insitution and the type of nursing program, could require labs done at the college. anatomy and pysiology sometimes have required labs, you can sometime take them together, but they do not transfer like they do if you take them seperate. If you take them seperate, then you usually have to do labs that are at the school, a couple times a week. Microbiology is the same way. Introduction to and developmental psycology can be done online. Nutrition can be done online. English comp 1 and 2 can be done online, if math is required in your program it is not suggested to do it online. Politics and history can be done online. And depending on the program you go to, you might be required to take additional sciences that I did not list. Medical terminology can be done online as well. You want to pick a school that is in your state of residency, because the cost of tuition is to high for out of state residents, so look for a college that has a good distance learning program where you file your taxes. I know it all sounds confusing, but once you put it all together and go through what you need, it is really simple. After that, you cannot do all the classes online, and you would need to be in one place to complet the 4 semesters of nursing, give or take depending on the college. Remember, associate degrees are not two years they are about three if you do not have to take any 0 level classes. However, some younger students only take two years because they have integrated prereqs into high school curriculum. Hope this helps, talk to an advisor at the school you choose, they really help put things into motion.
Jules A, MSN
8,864 Posts
Just wanted to say hi and welcome to the wonderful world of nursing. :)
13 Posts
many pre-req courses can be done on line. however, i would STRONGLY suggest you refrain from putting rigid time schedules on yourself. life will get in the way, as it always does and if your plans include getting certain things done in a certain amount of time, you will get frustrated and make decisions that are based on your time line. classes fill up, some classes are not done on line....then of course there is always getting in to actual nursing school which, unfortunately varies from state to state (california couldn't admit based on grades when i went---it was strictly a lottery for the 2 year programs. other states count grades.) and then from school to school. you might not get in exactly when you apply.if you got a degree in chem, you are obviously a smarty-pants, so you will probably do well with whatever way you decide to attack this. but i have seen too many people give up dreams because of a snag or 3 in the time line. good luck and welcome to the site. don't let us scare you!
Yes, i was in California & there are so many students trying to get into the 2 year nursing programs that it really discouraged me, it didn't matter that all my pre-reqs were done, it was just that they had no spots available for who knows how long, so i moved back to illinois & am able to start right away towards my BSN
I'm a little worried about that, but I think I will probably relocate to wherever I can get started right away after my prereqs are done. I will definitely talk to an advisor to get me started with all the prereqs I can do online. It's a little scary...I haven't been in school since 1999, so the thought of going back is exciting but scary at the same time...I've never been very good with math and chem and that is what has kept me waiting for so long...but I guess if you REALLY want to do it, then you can. Just have to keep telling myself that!
JustEnuff2BDangerous, BSN, RN
137 Posts
We have a ADN program where I live, and they have you do your "pre-reqs" while taking nursing classes. The "pre-reqs" and the nursing classes are not split into two different semesters/years. Not sure how ADN programs where you are work. :)
What school is it? I'd like to look into it. Thanks!