New Nursing Students age 50 and up

Nursing Students General Students


hello all,

i wanted to see how many ns are like me. i am starting ns in august and i am 58 years young. just wondering how many more there of us!!!

I had A&P II with a nice older lady a few semesters ago. She was wonderful and she was so easygoing, even cracking jokes with us younger folks about the instructor's jokes and the material. She was also one of the smartest people in our class. Best of luck to you! You will do great!

I didn't get my BSN until I was 56 and immediately started Grad School. I am 58 now and found that with lots of years as a nurse ( not necessarily experience) , the expectations are much greater than for one who just graduated and entered grad school. I am transferring to an online school so age and olitics may not be as much of an issue. I did my BSN online and did great! I do worry about finding work once completed if I ever make it since I will be 60. Older than the profs! Hope to find others here in grad school too. Barinbass


I'm curious about your experience in grad school. What type program are you in? I'm in a BSN program currently (I'm 49) and have no prior nursing experience. I'm planning on graduating in May 2011 and starting a DNP program in July 2011. It will take 3 years so I"l be 53 when I finally finish.

"I'm curious ... how are you all paying for school? I knew someone who became a nurse in her 50's and her story did not have a very happy ending - largely because of the huge student loans she acquired."

I won't do loans. I saved up from money earned, and do school as frugally as possible - everything from previous edition textbooks (not just used) to brown bagging lunch.

"My concern is finding employment as a new RN at 58. If I am competent and fit for the job, does anyone know if age will be a big setback?"

The best I can tell, it will not be. I often ask this of people who should have some idea. I haven't found anyone who thought it was an issue. Many knew nurses in their 40s or 50s who were hired as new grads.

That's one thing about nursing, it does not discriminate like much of the corporate world. I have a family member who works for one of The Big Four accounting firm and she says it is rare that they hire older people. I have heard this from many different people and have even seen news stories on this. I applaud you for going back to school:yeah:. It is never to late!!

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