Published Apr 28, 2011
2 Posts
I work in a ltc facility. I have only been there 6 months. I notice alot of problems with the facility but not sure how to handle them in the professional manor that I need to I dont know who to contact within the state or if it is even in my best interest to do so. I will try not to be too long on my explanation but no promises
I am assigned to a certain station. I started at this facility PRN and several LPNs have came and gone from 1 certain hall. When the opportunity came for me to take a full time position I took it I liked working this hall. I work midnights which I love and my problem is with the dayshift nurse who follows me only one day a week.
First I heard from other employees how much she hated me and all kinds of stuff she says about me daily. I have never once had a personal conversation with her. I give report, count narcs and leave. It really bothered me because I couldn't figure out what I had done to her and I get along with everyone else at my facility. She has been saying things about me and my husband. She started telling people that her husband had arrested mine for drug abuse (her husband was a cop, it gets better). For one I have a terrific husband and this really ****** me off, my husband was arrested about 20 years ago for drinking under the age of 21 but this guy didn't even live here then. Her husband use to be a cop, but while under investigation for kidnapping a kid that was bullying his kid he was caught sleeping with a woman while on duty by the woman's husband and beat up so he has lost his job.
By her saying all this stuff about me and not even knowing me automatically raised a red flag. I figure if people have something to hide they are usually the one pointing fingers to get the attention off of them. So I started looking into the work she does during the day. She counts all of our pills down to aspirin to make sure we are giving it, she will even measure our liquid Colace and Potassium. I dont worry cause I always give my meds But.... we have to chart every shift on people in rehab and residents that are skilled and we also have to do general charting on about 3 people every shift and skin assessments on these same people. I make sure I do all my charting everynight even if it means I stay over in the mornings, but she hasn't charted her weeklys, skilled or rehab that I can find at all on anyone in their chart and their charts have documents that go back to August of lastg year. She signs out every narcotic that could possibly be given, the other 3 full time nurses never sign out any of these PRN meds and I am unsure the residents that she gives them to could even take them if you tried. They dont have any other scheduled meds at all, just PRN. She makes Dr orders like she is a DR. I had a woman that at night wouldn't sleep and finally the other day shift nurse called the Dr and got her some Restoril and after 3 days this problem nurse decided to DC it. It didn't effect her none and I had been charting that it was working well...I am convinced she did it to **** me off. I was doing my skin assessments the other day and noticed all that I have done since startng their have been removed. I thought maybe someone had taken them to review I found they hadn't I again I am convinced that she destroyed them. Kinda hard to misplace about 180 skin assessments.
Now she came in and worked another hall and gave a resident PRN medication q 4 hours and it was suppossed to be given q 6 hours. Someone must have told her or she may have discovered it on her own so she went back and changed the RNs times on the Narcotics Mar to reflect that she gave it q 5 hours. The DON and our supervisor knows about this and nothing is being done. I figured once they were aware it would be no time and my nightmare would be over but she is still their giving out all the pain meds in the world (which I think she is taking, but can't prove). She is buddies with administration and kisses major butt. I made a copy of the Mar she changed and put it in a locker at work. I was unsure if I was even allowed to copy it because of Hippa but am so worried about her doing something and framing me for it.
Questions Can I keep this copy of the documents she altered in my locker at work as long as I dont bring it home?
Can I file slander or a grievance against her for untrue things she is saying about me and my husband?
Do I contact State to have them investigate the narcotics and the falsifying of documents? And who do I contact? I am in the State of Ohio.
I am having a real hard time dealing with her. I avoid her as much as possible and I really want to tell her what I think of her and let her know that I am aware of the things being said but I have a hard time controlling my temp and I never once have seen her in the break room and I dont want to say anything on the floor because I know it could possibly get ot of hand and I don't want to be unprofessional about this. I need some advice and help. I love my job, residents, co-workers but I can't take her and if administration isn't going to do anything about it, I want to do everything in my power!!!
38,333 Posts
You said she is buddies with admin and kisses major butt. What do you think you should do? Document everything and keep it for the big showdown when it happens, but don't go out of your way to cause trouble for yourself if you like your job.
I do like my job....but now since it has become personal I don't care what I have to do. They don't hve on thing on me to fire me. I never have called off, I always come in when they ask. I always complete all my work. I am trying my best to keep documentation of everything I do but it get exhausting and their is no proof it is her disposing of my work. She knows this.
7,098 Posts
I've seen so many variations of this dynamic, and the big losers in the whole mess are the residents.
When an employee who is engaging in all manner of misconduct, and is also best buds with your manager, it creates a hellish duo that can run through your life like a buzzsaw -- bottom line-- unless one of them leaves they will feed you to the sharks, and it's weird, very often the target is the normal person who just wants to live a drama-free life.
Translation = if you upset the apple cart you will find yourself out of a job.
On the other hand, this person if all was true - would be--likely:
*stealing narcotics
*working while impaired
*falsifying the MAR
*stealing and destroying a medical record
In California I could end up in the pokey for NOT reporting that stuff!
About copying your documentation- you could do it, but you can never fully protect yourself from a predator in the workplace - they will stay a step ahead of you.
Probably not going to get you too far on the gossip bit, but a lawsuit will mess up your life pretty much- it's really hard to get a snake like that to shut up, again it appears her life revolves around deceit. You could consult with a lawyer to ease your mind, though.
Sorry you are being put through it -- I had one job like that - the constant stress is overwhelming.
1,756 Posts
She's got you where she wants you. You're all caught up in the drama and you're allowing it to control your life. Stop playing detective, cancel your national enquirer subscription and subscribe to professional publications instead. Do your job and enjoy your family, she's got nothing on you unless you allow it.
79 Posts
I agree with systoly. Stop playing detective and just ignore this woman. You can spend your whole life second guessing people, but my take on it is that if someone has a problem with me, unless they come to me with that problem, then there is no problem.
If you think she is doing something illegal or harmful that could harm your work, or harm your patients, then I would report it.
I don't know if I would consider someone removing the documentation of my 180 skin checks along the lines of National Enquirer fare . . .
Having worked with someone a few years ago who was consistently trying to sabotage me at work, the more I ignored her the more she felt entitled to up her game, and I'm not the slightest bit confrontational!
64 Posts
Document, Document, Document facts, time, date, persons present at time of incident; only factual and to the point. Make a copy to keep and give the original to the Director every single time there is an incident. If the ball drops, you have the documention to back up what you have complained about. Management has to eventually address this and if not, then go over their head with the documentation.
4 Posts
Document EVERYTHING you see not right, like her not charting, the prn's situation (especially if some of the residents wouldn't even be able to take them), the documentation (locked in your locker for now). Keep documenting. Take it to your Social Services Head, they are mandated to investigate any allegation of resident neglect, and not charting means it didn't happen so that's considered neglect. Then take it to your director. If she ignores you take it to your administrator. If she ignores you call your State Board of Nursing and submit your documentation. If you ever come across other staff that have facts on this nurse, document that and who it's coming from as well.
Don't let people tell you to do your job and don't worry about it. What she is (or isn't) doing is affecting the lives of those residents. Our bottom line as nurses is to care and protect those residents, most people just don't want to deal with the drama that may come from holding up to that standard, but you sound like someone like me that can't just let that stuff go, and you shouldn't.
I had a smiliar experience, and in the end had to report it to the board because my director actually defended her and administrator could care less. The uproar that resulted from me reporting her to the board included me resigning, that nurse calling me and bothering me for a couple of months after I reported it (she knew it was me), the state only gave her a private letter of concern (which is ridiculous!), but I think my boss defended her to the state. However, my boss stepped down and eventually quit right after I resigned (I left a letter of the reasons with all management). The sucky nurse got fired shortly after. I miss working there, but at least those two clowns aren't there anymore endangering those residents, and that's what matters most in the end.
Best wishes!!
19 Posts
Would any of the nurses that have told you about the awful things she is saying regarding you and your husband be willing to go to administration with you? If you can get one or two to go with you, then I think that you should go in and make a complaint about her. Also, if they are willing to testify in court, you can sue her for defemation of character. A celebrity has to prove a statement is untrue in order to sue for defemation, a regular person just has to prove that a defamatory statement was made. As far as the theft of drugs goes, you may want to report what you suspect to your states board of nursing, and allow them to investingate it. Lastly, if you do decide to confront her, then do so with a witness that you can trust, that way she can't go to administration making wild claims about you.