New Home Health Nurse Looking for Resources.


Hello everyone, I am a new grad RN. I am starting my first RN position in home health. I have a few years of acute care experience as an LVN. I would like to know if any of you would give me any good recommendations for any good reading material. I would love any recommendations that you have. I have been looking online at and they have so many.....I just didn't want to blindly buy any and find that they weren't that good. Thanks in advance.

Look for a book by an RN named something like (doing this quickly) Tina Martinelli (she is the editor of a home health nursing journal), another author in home health: Robyn Rice, and a book published by (Springhouse ((old)), called the Pocket Guide to Home Care Standards. These books give you hints about medicare requirements, reimbursement tips, nursing procedures in the home, and documentation. And don't forget to read the stickies on the top of the home health forum as well as the forum itself. You can find lots of useful ideas here.

Thank you. I will definitely look into those.

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

look at these books by tina m. marrelli--helped me

[color=#996633]:up:handbook of home health orientation

diagnosis coding and writing homecare plan of treatments:

[color=#003399]:redbeathe:redbeathe:redbeathehandbook of home health standards and documentation -- guidelines for reimbursement :redbeathe:redbeathe:redbeathe

i always get latest version despite 20yrs in homecare.

robyn rice:

handbook of home health nursing procedures

Karen provided the correct references. Very good books.

Specializes in Home Health.

Karen, thank you so much for the references! I can't wait to buy some and get started!

OldLady, thanks for asking this question!

Specializes in COS-C, Risk Management.

Best thing is to go to the source, go to, then Medicare, then Home Health PPS. All of your federal rules and regulations are there. Then google your state's home care association for your state-specific guidance. If your agency is accredited by a third party (JCAHO, CHAPS, ACHC), go to their website for accreditation-specific guidance.

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