Published Jun 11, 2005
2 Posts
I had just a bad day...only day #2 off orientation. I just don't think i will ever get it. I am beginning to think I am doing the wrong thing with my life. I feel like such a loser today. I need help!!!!
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
Welcome to :balloons:
What type of unit are you working on? Have you explained to your preceptor or charge nurse how you are feeling? Was there one particular thing that caused issues for you, or was it just a combination of everything?
We have all had bad days when we first started and you will have bad days even when you have been practicing for over 20 years. This is just a part of nursing. If you can give a few more facts, then perhaps we will be able to offer more guidance to you.
But I definitely would not jump ship yet. :)
I am in cardiac nursing . I conveyed the message to her that i felt overwhelmed today. I just don't know what they expect from me right now. I feel like if I don't know something or do something at the right time they view me as a bad unprepared nurse. the whole day was just too much..
Welcome to :balloons: What type of unit are you working on? Have you explained to your preceptor or charge nurse how you are feeling? Was there one particular thing that caused issues for you, or was it just a combination of everything?We have all had bad days when we first started and you will have bad days even when you have been practicing for over 20 years. This is just a part of nursing. If you can give a few more facts, then perhaps we will be able to offer more guidance to you.But I definitely would not jump ship yet. :)
Dixielee, BSN, RN
1,222 Posts
Jennsana, I feel terrible for you. I can see you are frustrated and miserable. Do you feel that you had an adequate orientation for a new grad? Many places offer up to a year internship, and I think those are great ideas. Nursing is a very complex profession. You are dealing with the unexpected every day. No 2 days are ever the same. BUT, you will develop a routine that works for you. You will begin to see patterns and be able to adapt slowly.
Yes, you do need to discuss this with your preceptor, nurse manager or whatever you have at your facility. Don't feel that you have to have all the answers now. That is why we have reference books on every unit. I have a PDA with med info, drip calculations, ACLS, lab normals, etc on it. There are also good pocket versions if you don't like the electronic ones.
Do you feel that your patient load expectations are reasonable? You may be placing unreasonable expectations on yourself. Do not suffer in silence. Let your NM/preceptor know what is going on before you completely lose your confidence. You may be doing better than you think, but if you feel that you can't handle what you are doing, maybe there are other alternatives. Don't give up. Talk to other new grads, check this forum for others in the same boat. Nursing is not easy. But it can be the most rewarding thing you have ever undertaken. Sit back, take some deep breaths and look at your options.
As Suzanne mentioned, you can have bad days no matter how long you have done this. I have been a nurse 32 years and was ready to quit last year when a new (horrible) computer system was implemented in our ER. I persevered, and finally they canned the system. So maybe you can just outlast the problems! Hang in there and let us know how you are doing.
1,060 Posts
jennsana, I've said this so many first year was soooo hard. I felt just like you do, many times. You may feel like you should know more than you do, be able to organize your time perfectly, function just like the experienced nurses all around you. They have years of experience under their belts, and they have been in your shoes. DON'T give up!!! You have come way too far. Get back on the horse. Take the advice of others here, talk to your preceptor, your manager, your co-workers. That's what they're there for. Just because you're off orientation, doesn't mean you should be cut loose. If this is what you feel is happening, maybe a different unit is in your future. One that is more supportive. But, as Dixilee mentioned - don't keep silent. Keep your chin up, and know that it is normal to feel the way you do.
31 Posts
l agree with Dixielee, you will have bad days in nursing no matter how long you have been a nurse. One other thing l would add is, regardless of what happens at work, do not take it personal. Being a new nurse does not make you a stupid person just a person who is new into nursing, give yourself time to grow. Don't be embarrased to ask lots of questions because that is the only way you will learn and don't try anything new without asking for clarification or assistance just to prove that you know it. Goodluck.
martymoose, BSN, RN
1,946 Posts
Jennsana, I feel for you. I am off orientation 4 weeks and in my first week I felt the exact same way- Brain meltdown!I certainly questioned my choice of nursing, and sometimes still do, but it is too early to throw in the towel. My precepter said there would be days like that, and that everyone has them, just as a grad tho it is much worse cause we don't have the experience. I look at it as there are good days that I thank heaven above for, and bad days that I go home wondering. It does help to have the good days, cause then it boosts your confidence up a little. I would say hang in there. I joked about starting the new grad blues club- it does seem to help if only to vent or go over the bad day and realize it was bad, but I bet something new was learned from it. I also work on a cardiac floor- mostly interventional, but chf, and medical overflows too. Pm me if you want. Hang in there- and may your next shift be a good one.-Chris
103 Posts
Your self respect is much more important that living up to the working standards of and respect given to galley slaves that is now the norm in nursing.
The Spartans died at the Battle of Marathon for a principle.
You should, for your own peace of mind and happiness, refuse to be treated in a disrespectul and/or exploited manner.
32 Posts
Just wanted to give you a bit of encouragement! I am also just off of orientation and am going thru hell it feels like AHHHHHHH. I am exactly off of orientation and have work 3 shifts. My third one was horrible. I even started crying (at the nurses station) when approached by a superviser... How embarrasing! I feel the same way you do. There are days i even question why? After all this time going to school ... I never thought i'd be stressed like this! Do I really want to do this? But then you'll have that patient who says thank you, or you feel that you have made a difference even if it is small, somehow you helped someone.
I want you to know we all have bad days. Even nurses that have been doing this for a while have a hard time. You worked hard to get where you are dont give up! These days will just make a better nurse out of you! I feel your fustration.
Try after each shift...think of one thing you learned or did that day....that will be easier tomorrow...
And last but not least...remember you chose nursing for a reason...I believe it will get better....Pray for strength and hang in there!!! :)