New Grad to Volunteer Abroad Before taking NCLEX


Hello, all!

(Hi, MODERATORS: I was not sure where to post this, so I know you will move it to the appropriate forum if you see fit).

I am in an Accelerated BSN program and set to graduate May 14. I have no other clinical experience other than my student clinicals. I had hoped to get an externship or other similar position, but my program is so intense those applications fell by the wayside. I plan on speaking with career services this week, but I figure I will be told it will be too late for that since I graduate to soon anyway.

Anyway, the point is, I'd REALLY love to participate in a global health program with a clinical component once I graduate. It's pricey, but there are scholarships available. The problem is, the scholarships are only available for June and August. I guess July is a popular month, so they don't offer them for then. I'd like to go for June with the thinking that I'd like to be heavy into the job search/interviewing/*maybe even have a job though that's probably crazy talk* by then.

That being the case, if I go in June, I won't be eligible to take the NCLEX before I leave. I usually do well in testing and I am not too scared of the NCLEX, especially with proper preparation. Is it totally crazy to go abroad for 5 weeks before I take the NCLEX?? I'd love to do this program, and maybe it will even help me stand out among applicants (don't worry, I am a realist and realize with zero experience I am probably in the toilet, but I guess I gotta have some hope).

I guess I'm just looking for input from people who have done similar things, or just from anyone who has taken NCLEX. Thanks!!

Specializes in Pedi.

I didn't go abroad before I took the NCLEX, but after I graduated, I went to volunteer in another state for a week, came home and took a week long NCLEX review course offered by my university. Then I went back to my volunteer location for another week, came home on a Tuesday, took NCLEX on that Thursday and then went back up there for another 2 weeks.

Have you been applying for jobs yet? I knew when I was applying for jobs that I was not going to start until September because I intended to be away for most of the summer and I told them as much. Spent over a month in Maine volunteering, 3 weeks in New York, a week in my own state (all at various camps that I'd been volunteering at for years) and then went to Belize for a two week long medical mission trip at the end of the summer. Unfortunately, there aren't as many jobs available now so being as picky as I was might be harder.

That said, this may be a once in a lifetime opportunity and I would take it. You have all the knowledge you need to pass NCLEX and if you usually do well with testing (that's how I felt about it, I'm good at taking standardized tests), I would take this opportunity, come home and study and then take NCLEX in July.

Have you been applying for jobs yet? I knew when I was applying for jobs that I was not going to start until September because I intended to be away for most of the summer and I told them as much. Spent over a month in Maine volunteering, 3 weeks in New York, a week in my own state (all at various camps that I'd been volunteering at for years) and then went to Belize for a two week long medical mission trip at the end of the summer. Unfortunately, there aren't as many jobs available now so being as picky as I was might be harder.


No, I haven't been applying yet. I plan on meeting with someone from career services this week to talk about changing my resume and other things. But you echoed my fears in that I hear so many horror stories of being unemployed/unemployable as a new RN with no experience, that I feel as if I have no room to be picky at all.

But then again, I know I'd love to end up in global health in some way, and you are right that this could be a once in a lifetime opportunity. If I believe in myself I can only hope and expect that things will ultimately fall into place. Thanks for your input!

Hello, I am in a similar situation graduating in may from accelerated program. I haven't had time to volunteer or even look for volunteer opportunities yet. I was wondering if you share what program you found abroad or if you have any organizations that you can recommend.


Hi lark23,

I never ended up going...and I STILL don't have a job, so I should have just gone! But I know it's not too late at all for me, just wish I would have gone over the summer.

I was considering going on a CFHI trip. Google them. Look well worth it but they are pricey!!

I volunteered with an organization called CENIT in Ecuador a few years back. It was great.

I also hope to volunteer with an organization called Dar a Luz in Honduras. My interests are women's health + birthing. There is a ton of stuff out there. Check, too.

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