Published Dec 29, 2009
1 Post
I recently graduated in may and have been working for only a few months now, but I find myself thinking about my day and how it could have been better, so much that I feel it has effected my relationship with my fiance because all I can think and talk about is nursing. I constantly dwell on simple mistakes and rerun the entire day in my head. I find myself nervous every morning wondering what kind of day I'm going to have and very unsure about myself. Am I alone? Am I in the right field? Is this normal? Please help!
mamamerlee, LPN
949 Posts
Some of this is completely normal, everyone has a 'break-in' time with any new job, anywhere. Try to mull these things over for no more than 15 minutes, any longer will make you crazy, and you can't change it now. Tell your fiance' only funny things that happened, compliments you received, how you feel that your are finding your way. It may take nearly a year before you are more comfortable. In the meantime. keep a smile on your face as much as possible, and act confident in front of your patients. Best wishes.
Remember 15 minutes only - set a timer if necessary. Then get into the tub!
40 Posts
I feel the same way! Nice to know I am not alone. This was my dream and I just want to do a good job, constantly second guessing myself! I dwell on the few things I did wrong and have a hard time feeling good about the 100 things I did right! I guess we really care and really take this "job" seriously. What is that saying my greatest strength is also my strongest weakness. Good luck, find a mentor you can trust... I found one only to find out she is moving in Jan.
510 Posts
It's normal for some of us at least. I'm 17 months on the job and it is getting better, but I had a lot of trouble when I first started, dwelling on simple mistakes or things I forgot to do, sometimes having trouble sleeping etc. I mentioned that to my unit director and she said she had the exact same trouble her first couple years of nursing. But sometimes the reason the shift went badly has nothing to do with you, but rather is because of the difficulty of the shift (Pts, MDs, other RNs, etc).
Virgo_RN, BSN, RN
3,543 Posts
Perpetual Student
682 Posts
A new grade with uncertainty is like a tiger with stripes. :paw:
97 Posts
Definitely normal. I have 1.5 yr under my belt and I am finally at a point that work doesn't consume my life and thoughts. The first year is so difficult with all the emotions, learning, mistakes, sleeplessness, etc.
Please hang in there because it does get better. I would also do as a previous poster said and give yourself a certain amount of time to review your day and then find something you enjoy to help relieve the stress and to take your mind off of nursing. If you see that it is interfering with life to the point of issues such as anxiety/depression please see your physician. This is a very rewarding, yet stressful profession and you must take care of yourself.
171 Posts
I keep getting worried that I am going to be fired
What type of feedback are you receiving from your preceptor, manager, and co-workers? Sometimes we only see the negative in ourselves and others can help us with a more balanced view. Hopefully, you are receiving encouragement from others.
5 Posts
OMG!! Thank you, I'm sitting here allmost in tears, wondering if i want to continue with this new career, I have only been working for a little over a month and i think im doing everything wrong. I feel like i know absolutely nothing. Im so unorganized, i have to get a system or im not going to make it. Who want to feel like a failure everyday you come home. Its nice to know im not only. Will hang in there.
It Didnt Come EasyRN
11 Posts
wow! i feel the same way! only a few months into LTC and i feel like i hate it! I dont feel like a nurse im in front of a med cart all day and night. I feel like I have no time for anything else, I dont feel like Im learning. I dont even know what type of nursung i like anymore.
84 Posts
I'm 6 months in...just when I thought I was starting to get on top of things, the oncoming nurse pointed out a mistake and my "nurse-esteem" fell to the floor. You're not alone, and apparantly neither am I. Geez, I wish I would have known how hard this was going to be.