New grad getting in trouble with management for weird things.. HELP


Specializes in Corrections.

First job as an RN and I’m so immensely grateful for the opportunity. It’s one of the best paying jobs in the county, I’m working shift hours I prefer, and everything about working in corrections seems to fit me perfectly. I love my job and feel up to accomplishing the expectations that have been set for me. My one problem is with management..

Maybe I’ve been too lucky in the past. I’ve been in the medical field for 8 years and have always been a favorite of my employers and friends with coworkers. Here I feel that I am reprimanded for the weirdest things. I do my job well for someone who is brand new but then get absolutely destroyed for things like 

1. Asking if they have a fit testing class for their organizations chosen N-95 mask. (Was threatened to be sent home if I didn’t feel comfortable wearing an unfit mask on a COVID exposed dorm).

2. Not being “attached to the hip of my trainer” (I was only away for a minute to use the restroom).

3. Talking to a peer about his children after doing medication count during shift change (because his gf gets jealous and it was perceived as flirting). 

It’s been three weeks and I feel like I’m walking on pins and needles. When I was hired my manager was overly nice and told me that they were like family on the unit. While my coworkers are totally chill I’m feeling a bit bait and switched from the higher ups. How do folks deal with hyper vigilant management styles? I’m at a lost. 




A new grad nurse just trying not to *** up. 

Specializes in Corrections.

*”walking in egg shells”.. see how unused to this feeling I am. I don’t even know the right phrase ? all advice is happily welcomed and appreciated, from registered nurses, or management alike. Thank you! 

Specializes in LTC, Vent/ Trach.

Sounds a little like nurse bullying to me. Personally, I experienced these things as a new grad working in LTC and honestly after 6 months I switched to per diem, and got a job in a much more friendly environment, after a year I officially resigned because those behaviors never stopped. Normally its a jealously thing. If its not your dream job, I would start looking else where otherwise try to let the comments roll off your back and be sure to report them to HR if they are truly making you feeling unsafe or uncomfortable. 

I have worked in corrections, and for some reason, I met a lot of dysfunctional  personality types , which is the main reason I didn't stick around too long. Yes, correctional nursing can be very interesting, but you feel like you're working in a 3 ring circus. Try to find a better job. 

Specializes in Hospice, corrections, psychiatry, rehab, LTC.
On 6/21/2021 at 9:03 PM, NewGradRN_CA said:

1. Asking if they have a fit testing class for their organizations chosen N-95 mask. (Was threatened to be sent home if I didn’t feel comfortable wearing an unfit mask on a COVID exposed dorm).

This is unsafe. Any employer who issues N95s ought to be able to fit test them.

On 6/21/2021 at 11:06 PM, NewGradRN_CA said:

*”walking in egg shells”.. see how unused to this feeling I am. I don’t even know the right phrase ? all advice is happily welcomed and appreciated, from registered nurses, or management alike. Thank you! 

It's a jail.  Someone needs to know when you are stepping away for a potty break - or wherever you are going.

The mask - should be fit tested.  Try to quietly see what other staff do about this.  

Forget friendly chatting for now. 

Good luck.

Specializes in ER.

How was his girlfriend going to know you chatted with him about anything, unless he told her? And how is that your problem? I bet he chats with other humans too...what does she not let him go to the store either?

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