Well... I am three more weeks away from being a new grad!
Okay... I coming here looking for some advice or support from people who are going through what I am going through. I am about ready to graduate and I don't feel I have what it takes to be a nurse. I like many aspects of nursing and I want to be a nurse but I feel like it is too easy to make a mistake and I worry that I have the mental capabilities to do it. I've been struggling with fatigue for years and I have always been a little absent minded but I've been having what I can only describe as a "brain fog" going on for a while now. I bring this up because I have put up with it up to this point but now that I will have people's lives in my hands I'm starting to grow concerned.
I know that all new grads have everything to learn after school but I lack the confidence in my skills as a nurse up this point. I feel like I am bound to make a mistake at some point and it's a little scary. It's like today: I had a pt with a low BP; so I trended her VS and she had been running low most of the day before. Still, she was 85/38 so I took her apical of 79 and decided to hold her BP meds including Atenelol. The nurse informed me that this is extreamly dangerous since a pt can have a serious arrhythmia due to the sudden cessation of beta blocks. This scarred the shiznit out of me because it is just an example of how much there is to know and how easy it can be to make a mistake.
Did I learn? Absolutely! Did I provide safe care by properly assessing before I gave the med? Sure. Was my judgment sound for holding the meds? Yes but the whole experience was a real eye opener.
Okay, I'm rambling here and I don't know if anyone can relate to what I am saying but it boils down to this:
- I feel like a scatterbrain on the floor sometimes and I fear it will lead to a mistake
- I don't have the basic confidence that I feel I should have for even entry level nursing practice
- I don't know if I have the critical thinking skills I need for this job
Anyone else go through this? Is these just s/s of a person who should not take the responsability of being a nurse?