New to the Forum, Just accepted into LPN program


I have been on this forum for quite a while now to use it as a resource or to just read other peoples posts. I just got accepted into a nursing school in St. Louis and will be getting my LPN. just 1 short year and ill be well on my way to my final goals. im planning on getting my ADN and then my BSN. then hopefully continuing my education even further later on down the road. im trying to take it one day at a time but im really stressing about everything. im on my own and have to cover rent and all my bills and everything else. so for me just going to school and not working isnt an option. its just not possible for me. i would appreciate it so much if i could get some advice and some resources/books to help me get a little bit of a head start over the summer before school starts. i was really hoping to enjoy my summer before school runs my life but when i think about it i honestly think i need to get my head in the books or any information i can to gain some extra knowledge. any help would be wonderful and greatly appreciated.

congratulations on the big news! and you thought the wait to get accepted was grueling; now you are joining many of us on this forum as we countdown the days to both orientation and the first day of classes!

might i suggest the threads below:

items you may need to buy for nursing school:

what type of shoes to get:

what type of stethescope to get:

you'll find tons of great threads on this sight simply by searching in the box at the top of the page.

good luck and keep us updated on your progress.


congratulations on the big news! and you thought the wait to get accepted was grueling; now you are joining many of us on this forum as we countdown the days to both orientation and the first day of classes!

might i suggest the threads below:

items you may need to buy for nursing school:

what type of shoes to get:

what type of stethescope to get:

you'll find tons of great threads on this sight simply by searching in the box at the top of the page.

good luck and keep us updated on your progress.


i just went through orientation friday.

we've already ordered uniforms, and my grants are also covering shoes and a stethescope kit.

we get everything from a uniforms plus store.

i'm so excited for the first day!

Specializes in critical care, Med-Surg.

A part time job as a patient care tech might be fun, you will learn helpful things, still have time for fun, earn some extra money, get that all important foot in the door which will provide a work hx and help you get a JOB after graduation!

Another idea: brush up on metric conversions. Know cc's, ml, liters, mg, etc. It will help you w dosage calcs.

Volunteer at a hospice.

Take BLS (CPR).

Good luck, darling! You've only just begun!

A part time job as a patient care tech might be fun, you will learn helpful things, still have time for fun, earn some extra money, get that all important foot in the door which will provide a work hx and help you get a JOB after graduation!

Another idea: brush up on metric conversions. Know cc's, ml, liters, mg, etc. It will help you w dosage calcs.

Volunteer at a hospice.

Take BLS (CPR).

Good luck, darling! You've only just begun!

I've heard before that a job as a patient care tech is good during school. Is there a certification required for that?

I do not have any certifications other tha First Aid and CPR.

I use to work as a resident assistant at an assisted living facility, but am currently unemployed and looking for a job during school, preferably in a health care related feild.

Any suggestions?

I'm a hard worker, but can't do heavy lifting at the moment (pregnant).

Specializes in critical care, Med-Surg.

Amend my answer: if you have the energy to work or volunteer and prepare for baby while pregnant, go for it!

But since you are preggers, maybe you should take time to get nursery ready and just do some math prep on side. 'Cause you are about to be busy, girl!

Volunteering somewhere health related might be better. No Heavy lifting. Still something to add to resume, and a reference.

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