Hello I am new. I am 17 years old and my last year will be next year in high school.
I live in Canada. And I decided I want to do nursing. But I can't really find any times of nursing that interest me...
until i stumbled upon CRNA! Which I love... because it sounds easy (i know its not easy) but I can't think of any other kinds of careers in medicine i want to do.
I wanted to do dermatology, orthodontics, even dentistry, or psychiatry, but it's way too long. I even wanted to maybe be a nurse in the trauma nurse. But I don't know what its called. I'll admit another reason why i want to get into it, is the good pay. But I am interested in it. But because I slacked off, I don't have any of the prerequisites in high school, so i will need to take a year off and get everything I need. I want to do CRNA But apparently they dont offer it in canada which makes me shriek!!!!!!
I am not looking forward to studying abroad in america. Or maybe I am. But i dont have the money to go and live somewhere and I wouldn't know where. America is very different from Canada.
I need advice, please. And maybe any other alternatives? I tried asking all over the internet, but i got pretty lame advice... I don't know how many years of schooling i need and the degrees and whatever. Does maybe University of Toronto offer something?
Pleaaase, serious advice!!
My entire family is in the medicine field. My mom and sister are nurses, and my dad is a doctor.