Published Mar 26, 2019
1 Post
Hello, I graduated 1 year ago, with a 3 year old child. I found a great job as a school nurse, where the hours allowed me to be home with my family. I am currently pregnant with my second child and I would really like to stay home for a year to take care of my children, but we could use the extra income, even if I only work a few hours a week. I don't really want to do bedside care (mainly due to the hours and lack of hospital experience), and have lots of previous experience with clerical work. I would like to find a job opportunity that would allow me to combine clerical/office work and nursing. I have been looking at part-time, per diem, and work at home jobs but so far, I haven't had much luck. What types of jobs would allow me to combine clerical/office with nursing? Also, would it be worth it to sign up with an employment agency? Thank you!
451 Posts
I’m assuming you like your job, so why don’t you see if you could job share? Stay there after having your child but only work 1 or 2 days a week and they can hire some one else to cover the rest of the days. Easily done, as there are many people only after part time work.
You only have one years experience so going anywhere will be tough if you can get a job. Why put yourself through learning a new speciality while looking after a new born? especially if it’s only going to be per diem.
GrumpyRN, NP
1,316 Posts
And this is why I am glad I am in the UK. This does not arise. Women are entitled to 1 years maternity leave, with pay.
Sorry, could not resist pointing this out after being berated by a nurse on this site because I worked in a "Socialist" health care system.
Hope you can work something out.
beachynurse, ASN, BSN
452 Posts
12 minutes ago, GrumpyRN said:And this is why I am glad I am in the UK. This does not arise. Women are entitled to 1 years maternity leave, with pay., could not resist pointing this out after being berated by a nurse on this site because I worked in a "Socialist" health care system.Hope you can work something out.
Sorry, could not resist pointing this out after being berated by a nurse on this site because I worked in a "Socialist" health care system.
Hope you can work something out.
Wow, no one should be berating anyone here. I'm actually jealous of your system. I think we could actually have a good single payer system here if only we could keep our politicians out of it.
RatherBHiking, BSN, RN
590 Posts
Yes I'm jealous of those countries that allow you to take a nice maternity leave without worry.
Have you considered subbing as a school nurse one or two days a week? I'm not sure how big your district is. If it's small that may not work.
I've heard of nurse's getting medical transcription jobs sometimes through knowing doctor's but not sure how easy that would be now.
The closest thing to what you're wanting would be like maybe a telephonic nurse, case management, dr office, insurance company, etc but unfortunately most of those places want recent acute care experience and may have more hours than you're wanting. It may be worth trying an agency.
If I were you, I'd work on paying down as much debt as possible and saving every penny you can. Find ways to cut expenses. Downgrade your car maybe. You won't have as many expenses by not working like using as much gas, clothing upkeep, eating out as much maybe, all the flower funds and donation things you do when you work like for staff parties, fundraisers, etc you're pressured to donate to. You will make it work when you have to. You can always babysit another child in your home one or two days a week, clean houses, pet sit, etc for extra money. Try and find a mom group to join (usually meets one day a week) so you'll have that interaction with other moms for your sanity and it's a good way to gain a network of people who know people looking for part time help. There are ways! Good luck!!