new board passers: HOSPITALS YOU'VE APPLIED

World International


juz wanna know guys.. where did u applied.. have u applied??

plz let me know.. tnx

Specializes in geriatric nursing.

they wont know if you attend the oath taking ceremony or not... nobody knows...

hospital needs the board rating certificate, board certificate and prc license. it depends on the hosp if they will accept you though you dont have a license on hand yet...

yeah..its more of a torture when ever there are news about the board planning to have my application handed to Capitol. will it be too long before they call you up and take the said exam?

how about their training which cost 1200(i think) for 3 weeks, after that will it possible they will hire you and how long is their contract?

Thanks everyone..and God Bless..

some nurses are working in call centers, and im one of them, i miss nursing, i/we didn't studied nursing to end up in the call center industry. Its hard to apply to hospitals nowadays. So im planning in sticking in the call center industry untill i receive my ATT for the NCLEX. for me, NCLEX 1st before working here...

Do you mean local hospitals? We can't apply yet if we haven't taken our oaths...

I think we can as long as you have with you your certificate of passing and certificate of board rating (which I presumed would be of great help if you have 80+ rate because most hospitals would prefer those).

weee tnx!! i've already sent my application those hospitals thru email....


hi cher, may I know from you what hospitals did you actually sent your application via email? I have a hard time searching for those where they have emails for you to send your resume. I think I have done just one hospitals where I entered my resume data thru website forms (not email).

there's no shortage of nurses in philippines.... but salary shortage of nurses is very severe....

haha. i 2nd the motion

some nurses are working in call centers, and im one of them, i miss nursing, i/we didn't studied nursing to end up in the call center industry. Its hard to apply to hospitals nowadays. So im planning in sticking in the call center industry untill i receive my ATT for the NCLEX. for me, NCLEX 1st before working here...

Hi. May I know what state arfe you applying for? Are you 2007 passer? GOd Bless.

Almost all hospitals require two years service in their contract as staff nurse. Believe me, two years is not forever. You will learn a lot in those two years and you might even extend your contract because your processing with working somewhere else will definitely not be finished in two years.

And, if you're planning on applying for government hospitals, (Philippine Heart Center, etc) be ready with your ratings because they prioritize people who made 80+ in the boards.

Hope this helps. :)

hi to all!

i applied at The Medical City and funny is that they have this pile of applications same goes with Cardinal Santos which i scheduled my exam only to find it out that i will have it next year, to be exact February 2008! Whoa. Haha!

I guess Philippine Hospitals do have a lot of supply of nurses and i guess few demands. That's why some nurses choose to work in Call Center rather than Hospitals.

Specializes in Critical Care.

I've applied in MMC last Oct. 3. I'll will be have my interview on Oct. 19 at 1 pm! Please include me in your prayers... Thanks.....

difinitely thats par of the screening process you have higher chances to be hired if you have higher score in the rating compare to the other applicants . thats normal hospital usualy sined you for contract. thats SOP.

Specializes in Critical Care.

difinitely thats par of the screening process you have higher chances to be hired if you have higher score in the rating compare to the other applicants . thats normal hospital usualy sined you for contract. thats SOP.

Maybe... But honestly speaking, I dont have a high board rating! Its just that, I'm a product of that institution.

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